
Bobtail Squid


The Life of Animals | Bobtail Squid | squid divided from various types of course also have different benefits, this one has an animal is a funny shape and color are also attractive and beautiful, these animals are usually much used as an ornamental ornamental animals in the aquarium, want to know? The following report

Now that humans have had their fun, it’s time that our fellow cephalopods get a taste of space. Inky, as I have chosen to call him, is the first squid to ever be launched into space. He is a Bobtail squid and will be the main star in a rather interesting study. Strictly for scientific research, Inky will give scientists insight into how microbes within its body respond to space. In the past, microbes such as Salmonella were three times more destructive to their host mouse after being in space for a certain period of time.

My main curiosity is how they will keep the squid alive. Since water does that awesome globular trick in microgravity, how will the tank/box/bag the squid is in contain non-floating water? I suppose the solution will be to ensure the case has minimal air so the water has very little space to float. The squid won’t have to worry about this problem for too long (if it actually is a problem), since it will be getting the knife soon after it reaches space. Perhaps the astronauts will have some calamari for dinner in the next few days.

A nice way for the Endeavor to spend it’s last trip, giving new species a chance to view the Earth from afar. Although, I’m not sure how much Inky will appreciate the view.