
Rex Rabbit

The Life of Animals | Rex Rabbit | The Rex Rabbit is a breed of rabbit developed in France in 1919. Their unique, dense, plush, velvet-like fur, was caused by a mutation seen in wild rabbits in France in the late 19th century. After development of the Mini Rex, some people began to refer to the Rex rabbit as the standard Rex rabbit. The official breed name used by ARBA and BSR is the Rex rabbit.

The Rex Rabbit can be housed outdoors year-round in warmer climates as well as in cooler climates if the correct accommodations are made. It can be fed a combination of commercial rabbit pellets and timothy hay. Additionally, the Rex tends to be a hardy breed with few health issues.The Rex is a variety of rabbit recognized by its plush fur that is often described as having a velvety texture. This first appeared in a litter of wild gray rabbits The Rex Rabbit was first shown publicly at the Paris International Rabbit Show in 1924 and has been recognized as a standard breed in parts of Europe since 1925 The Rex was first imported to the United States in 1924 following the Paris International Rabbit Show and has since become one of the most popular domestic rabbit breeds. The rex mutation is also found in cats and rats, but rex cats are usually almost completely bald whereas rex rabbits have a significantly thicker coat

Burke's Backyard notes that rex rabbits are claimed to be one of the most intelligent breeds of rabbits The Rex Rabbit is often used as a foster mother and it is possible, as well, to keep pairs of these rabbits housed together. The Rex is recognized as one of the gentler breeds of rabbits and an excellent choice for families with children, so long as the children are educated on proper handling.The Rex Rabbit can be housed outdoors year-round in warmer climates as well as in cooler climates if the correct accommodations are made. Many outdoor rabbits live in barns or covered hutches in the winter.


A second option is to house the Rex Rabbit indoors, which is recommended in some climates. The Rex can be litter box trained and does very well as a house rabbit. The Rex Rabbit can be fed a combination of commercial rabbit pellets and timothy hay Rabbit pellets should not contain seeds or corn and should be high in fiber, low in fat and carbohydrates and moderate in protein.