
Bronze Winged Parrot

The Life of Animals | Bronze Winged Parrot | The Bronze-winged Parrot (Pionus chalcopterus) is a medium sized parrot pionus 28 cm (11 in) long. It has short red undertail feathers. The rump, tail and wings are dark blue with lighter blue underwings. The head is dark blue-green; the mantle, back and underparts are dark bronze-green with some blue-tipped feathers and Sometimes Scattered red feathers. Its beak is pale yellow. In adults the ring of bare skin around the eyes is pink. Juveniles have whitish eyerings and Their underparts are brownish

The Bronze-winged Parrot is found in far western Venezuela, western and central Columbia, western Ecuador and far north-western Peru. Generally it prefers the canopy of Forest and Woodland (both humid and semi-deciduous), but also Occurs in adjacent habitats with tall trees. The Bronze-winged Parrot Nests in tree cavities.