

The Life of Animals | Budgerigar | Budgerigars in Their natural-habitats of Australia averages 18 cm (7 in) long, weigh 30-40 grams (1.1-1.4 oz), and displays a light green body color (abdomen and rumps), while Their mantle (back and wing coverts ) displays pitch-black mantle markings (blackish in fledgelings and immatures) edged in clear yellow undulations. The two outermost throat-spots are situated at the base of each cheek-patch. The tail is cobalt (dark-blue); outside central tail feathers display flashes yellow. Their wings have greenish-black flight feathers and black coverts with yellow fringes along with central yellow flashes, the which only Becomes visible in flight or the wings are outstretched.

This particular parrot species has been Bred in many other colors and shades in captivity (eg blue, gray, gray-green, pieds, violet, white, yellow-blue), although They are Mostly found in pet stores in blue, green, and yellow. Like most species of parrot, budgerigar plumage fluoresces under ultraviolet light. The beak of a budgerigar can clamp tighter than most other birds, keeping a food or nesting supplies from falling out of its hold The color of the cere (the area containing the nostrils) differs the between the sexes, being royal blue in males, pale brown to white (non-breeding) or brown (breeding) in females, and pink in immatures of Both sexes (usually of a more even Purplish-pink color in young males). Some female budgerigars develop brown cere only During breeding time the which later returns to the normal color.

That males are either Albino, Lutino, Dark-eyed Clear or recessive Pied (aka Danishpied aka arlequin) always retain the immature Purplish-pink cere color Their entire life It is usually easy to tell the sex of a budgerigar over six months old, Mainly by the cere colors, Behaviours and head shape but also help indicate sex Budgerigars are nomadic birds found in open habitats, primarily in scrubland, open Woodland, and Grassland of Australia. The birds are normally found in small flocks, but can form very large flocks under favorable conditions. 

All captive budgerigars are Divided into two basic series of colors; namely, white-based (ie blue, gray & white budgerigars) and / or yellow-based (ie green, yellow & greygreen budgerigars). Presently there are at least 32 primary mutations in the budgerigar (including violet), enabling Hundreds of possible secondary mutations (stable combined primary mutations) and color varieties (unstable combined mutations).