

The Life of Animals | Gerbils | Gerbils were the resource persons first introduced to the pet industry in 1964. These were the resource persons the Mongolian gerbils.  A common misunderstanding purchasing a home for pet gerbils Is that They can live in housing designed for hamsters and mice. Plastic can cause serious health issues for the animal if ingested, many owners therefore refrain from having any plastic in the tank and RELY entirely on wooden toys There is conflicting information from gerbil societies from throughout the globe with regards to tank sizing.

A female may attack a male, but usually he is more than a match for her There are many color varieties of gerbil available in pet shops today, Generally the result of years of selective breeding. There are over 20 different coat colors in the Mongolian gerbil, the which has been Captive-Bred The Longest. Another species of gerbil has also been recently introduced to the pet industry: the Fat-tailed gerbils, or duprasi. They're Smaller than the common Mongolian gerbils and have long soft coats and a short, fat tail, Appearing more like a hamster.

White spotting has been reported in not only the Mongolian gerbils, but also the Pallid Gerbil and possibly Sundervall's Jird. A long-haired mutation, a gray agouti or chinchilla mutation, white spotting, and possibly a dilute mutation have also Appeared in Shaw's Jirds, and white spotting and a dilute mutation have shown up in Bushy-tailed Jirds