

The Life of Animals | Mayfly | Eggs are laid on the surface of lakes or streams, and sink to the bottom. The naiads live primarily in streams under rocks, decaying vegetation, or in the sediment. Most species feed on algae or diatoms, but there are A Few predatory species. Most mayfly naiads are distinctive in having seven pairs of gills on the dorsum of the abdomen. Some species, in the genus Epeorus Notably, have only two tails. Developmentally, these hemimetabolous Insects are Considered.

Mayflies in this stage are a favorite food of many fish, and many fishing flies are modeled to resemble Them. The lifespan of an adult mayfly is very short and varies Depending on the species.  Adults have short, flexible antennae, large compound eyes and three ocelli. In most species, the males' eyes are large and the front legs unusually long, for use in locating and grasping females During the mid-ing water. In some species, all legs aside from the males' front legs are useless. Uniquely Among Insects, mayflies possess paired genitalia, with the male having two penises and the two female gonopores. The abdomen is roughly cylindrical, with ten segments and two long cerci at the tip

Because of its short lifespan, the mayfly is Called one-day or one-day fly in some languages - German Eintagsfliege, eendagsvlieg Dutch, Slovenian enodnevnica, dagslända Swedish, Danish and Norwegian døgnflue, Polish jętka jednodniówka, päivänkorento Finnish, Turkish birgün sineği, подёнка Russian, Bulgarian еднодневка, and Greek εφήμερος. The Greek name, transliterated efímeros, is the origin of the names in Romance languages: French éphémère, effimera Italian, Portuguese efêmera, efímera Spanish, and Romanian efemeride. In Korean harusarimok (하루살 이목). The species Polingenia longicauda hatches in mid-June on the River Maros and the Tisza River in Serbia and Hungary. Both names mean "Tisza flower", and the phenomenon is Called Tisza blooming. In regions of New Guinea and Africa, mayflies are Eaten They emerge en masse.