

The Life of Animals | Pliers | Acanthuridae ("thorn tails") is the family of surgeonfishes, Tangs, and unicornfishes. The family includes about 80 species in six genera, all of the which are marine fish living in tropical seas, usually around coral reefs. Many of the species are brightly colored and popular for aquaria. It has been suggested That feeding in schools is a mechanism for the highly aggressive defense Overwhelming responses of small territorial damselfishes That vigorously guard small patches of algae on coral reefs.

Most species are Relatively small and have a maximum length of 15-40 cm (6-16 in), but some members of the genus Acanthurus, some members of the genus Prionurus, and most members of the genus Naso can grow larger, with the whitemargin unicornfish (N. annulatus), the largest species in the family, reaching a length of up to a metre (3.3 ft). These fishes can grow Quickly in aquariums so it is advisable to check the average growth size and suitability before adding to a marine aquarium.

Tangs are very sensitive to disease in the home aquarium. However if the tang is fed enough algae and the aquarium is properly maintained disease should not be a problem.  In length and most grow even in aquariums Quickly. Larger species Such as the popular Pacific Blue tang surgeonfish (of Finding Nemo fame), Naso or lipstick tang, clown and sohal Tangs can grow to 40 cm (15 ins.)

Tangs primarily graze on macroalgae, Caulerpa and gracilias Such as, although They have been observed in an aquarium setting to eat meat based fish foods.