
Asiatic black bears

The Life of Animals | Asiatic black bears | Asiatic black bears are similar in general appearance to brown bears, but they are lighter and slimmer built limbs. The skulls of Asiatic black bears are relatively small, but solid, especially in the lower jaw. The ears are bell-shaped, and are longer in proportion than that of the Great Bear, and protrude from the head, the lips and nose are larger and more mobile than those of brown bears Adult black bears are smaller than American black bears, on average, although large males, the size of several other bears species.They measure 70-100 cm (28-40 inches) at shoulder height and 120 to 195 cm (47 may exceed - 77 in) in the body length. Females weigh about 65-90 kg (143-198 lbs), with large up to 140 kg (308 lbs).

Within Sikhote-Alin,
the breeding season of black bears occurs earlier than in the brown bear, from mid June to mid August. Like brown bears, Asiatic black bears have delayed implantation. The skull of a newborn black bear cubs bear close resemblance to those of adult shall bear litters can consist of 1-4 boys, 2 is the average. Black bears usually inhabit deciduous forests, deserts, forests and forests thornbrush. With the exception of Malaysia, black bears come in all the countries in mainland Southeast Asia. Black bears in the southern Japanese islands of Honshu and Shikoku, and occur in Taiwan and Hainan. There is no definitive estimate of the number of black bears Japan presented estimates of 8 to 14.000 bears live on Honshu, although the reliability is now questionable.

Unfounded estimates from China give varying estimates between 15 - 46,000, with a government estimate of 28 000 Accounts of the quality of the black bear's fur varies. In British India, was the fat only practical use for black bear carcass.  Asiatic black bears have been hunted for their parts in China since the Stone Age. Black bear meat is edible.