

The Life of Animals | Bulldog | The Bulldog is a breed with characteristically wide head and shoulders along with a pronounced mandibular prognathism. There are Generally thick folds of skin on a Bulldog's brow; round, black, wide-set eyes; a short muzzle with characteristic folds called "rope" above the nose; hanging skin under the neck; drooping lips and pointed teeth and occasionally, an underbite. Mature Females weigh in at approximately 45 pounds. Bulldogs are one of the few breeds Whose tail is naturally short and curled and Thus Spake is not cut or docked as with some other breeds. Despite Their fat "sourpuss" expression, Bulldogs are docile and tractable Generally However, They can move over short distances very Quickly. The phrase "stubborn as a bulldog" may Derive from observing an agitated Bulldog. They rank 78th out of 80 in Stanley Coren's The Intelligence of Dogs, holding the lowest degree of working / obedience intelligence.

Bulldog breed clubs put the average life span of the breed at 8-12 years, although a UK survey puts it at 6.5 years. The leading cause of death of the Bulldogs in the survey was cardiac related (20%), cancer (18%) and old age (9%). Statistics from the Orthopedic Foundation for Animals indicate That of the 467 tested Bulldogs Between 1979 and 2009 (36 years), 73.9% were affected by hip dysplasia, the highest amongst all breeds. Similarly, the breed has the worst score in the British Veterinary Association / Kennel Club Hip Dysplasia scoring scheme, although only 22 Bulldogs were tested in the schemePatellar luxation the which is another condition affects 6.2% of the Bulldogs.

Other problems can include cherry eye, a protrusion of the inner Eyelid (which can be corrected by a Veterinarian), allergies, and hip issues in older Bulldogs. Over 80% of Bulldog litters delivered by Caesarean section are Because Their characteristically large heads can Become lodged in the mother's birth canal. The folds or "rope" on a Bulldog's face should be cleaned daily to avoid unwanted infections Caused by moisture accumulation.  Like all dogs, Bulldogs require daily exercise. Bulldogs are said to be "the most Relentless farters in the canine world Bulldogs are very sensitive to heat. Bulldogs actually do most of Their sweating through the pads on Their feet and accordingly enjoy cool floors. Like all brachycephalic or "short-faced" breeds, Bulldogs can easily Become overheated and even die from hyperthermia.

Bulldog owners can keep these issues under control by staying aware and protecting Their Bulldog (s) from these unsafe conditions. In January 2009, after the BBC documentary Pedigree Dogs Exposed, the Kennel Club introduced revised breed standards for the British Bulldog, along with 209 other breeds, to address health concerns. Opposed by the British Bulldog Breed Council, it was speculated by the press That the changes would lead to a smaller head, fewer skin folds, a longer muzzle, and a Taller thinner posture, in order to combat perceived problems with respiration and breeding due to head size and width of shoulders The term "Bulldog" was first Mentioned in literature around 1500, the oldest spelling of the word being Bondogge and Bolddogge.

The name "bull " was applied Because of the dog's use in the sport of bull baiting. This entailed the setting of dogs (after placing Wagers on each dog) onto a tethered bull. Over the Centuries dogs used for bull-baiting developed the stocky bodies and massive heads and jaws the which typify the breed as well as a ferocious and savage temperament. This Amended the existing legislation to protect animals from mistreatment and included (as 'cattle') bulls, dogs, bears and sheep, so That bull and bear-baiting as well as cockfighting Became prohibited. Therefore, the Old English Bulldog had outlived its usefulness in England as a sporting animal and its active or 'working' days were numbered. Because cornering and leading wild bulls was dangerous, the Bulldogs were Trained to seize a bull by its nose long enough for a rope to be secured around its neck. Bulldogs as pets were continually Promoted by dog dealer Bill George.

In time, the original old English Bulldog was crossed with the pug. The outcome was a shorter, Wider dog with a brachycephalic skull. The oldest single breed specialty club is The Bulldog Club (England), the which was formed in 1878. In 1891 the two top Bulldogs, Orry and Dockleaf, competed in a contest to see the which dog walk Could the Farthest. Orry was Reminiscent of the original Bulldogs, lighter boned and very athletic. Dockleaf was smaller and heavier set, more modern like Bulldogs.