
Carolina Wren


The Life of Animals | Carolina Wren | The head has a striking white eyebrow (eyebrow) and a whitish throat. It is easy to confuse with Bewick's Wren, a parent close enough, it differs in being smaller, but with a longer tail, more gray-brown above and white below. Carolina Wrens and Black-browed Wren House differ in being larger, with a bill culmen decidedly fingers and back them up a notch behind the tip. The Carolina Wren is known for his deep voice, popularly translated as "Tea Kettle". A bird sings usually given several different songs. Only males sing their song box. The songs vary regionally, with birds singing on the northern slower than the southern regions. The Carolina Wren also has a series of calls, including a rapid series of notes in a similar tone to his singing, as a warning and a reprimand serious and strong call to threaten intruders.

The Carolina Wren is sensitive to cold. Because they do not migrate and remain in a territory, the population of North Carolina wrens decrease markedly after harsh winters. The populations of Canada and the northern United States after crash regularly experience harsh winters, high agricultural productivity but soon led to a return to a higher number. In winter, sometimes eat seeds, berries and other small fruits. These birds prefer sites with dense undergrowth, in mixed forests or forests on the outskirts, in a natural or artificial cavity. The nest is a large structure, often dome-shaped, with a small hole in the top. Couples can mate for life.

The eggs are oval, gray-white, reddish-brown freckles. Bald chicks are born blind, and dependent parents to fly. Both males and females feed the young. He farmed for a short time after hatching, the young leave in a warm, down-lined nest while feeding adults. 

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