
Rhesus Macaque


The Life of Animals | Rhesus Macaque | The rhesus macaque is brown or gray and has a pink face, which is hairless. Its tail is of medium length and average between 20.7 and 22.9 cm (8.1 to 9.0 inches). Adult males measure about 53 cm (21 inches) on average and weigh about 7.7 kg (17 lbs). The females are smaller, with an average of 47 cm (19 inches) long and 5.3 kg (12 lbs). Rhesus macaques have an average of 50 vertebrae. The rhesus macaque has 32 teeth with a dental formula bilophodont molars. The lower molars also have four cusps: metaconid, protoconid, hypoconid and entoconid. Rhesus monkeys are native to northern India, Bangladesh, Pakistan, Nepal, Burma, Thailand, Afghanistan, Vietnam, southern China and neighboring regions. They have the widest geographic distribution of a non-human primate, occupying a wide range of altitudes throughout Central, South and South-East Asia.

Broadening the range of rhesus macaque a natural process in some regions and a direct consequence of the introduction by humans in other regions has serious implications for the declining populations of endemic and bonnet macaques in southern India Rhesus monkeys are diurnal and arboreal and terrestrial time. During the monsoon season, which derive much of their water from fruits ripe and juicy. Macaques who live far from water sources lick the dew from the leaves and drink the rain water accumulated in tree holes. Drink water when they feed and congregate around streams and rivers. Rhesus monkeys are specialized pockets like the cheeks, which allows them to accumulate temporarily foods.

Rhesus macaques interact with a variety of vocalizations and body postures and facial expressive gestures. Perhaps the most common expression of the face makes Java is the "silent bared teeth" face. During the movements, macaques will "tuba" and "grunts". When foods are rarely high quality macaques makes "chirping", "harmonic arches" or "correction." When at risk, macaques emits a high-pitched sound which he called "sour bark." "Oops", "cry", "twitter", "pants-threats," "growls" and "bark" are used in aggressive interactions. Babies "gecker" to attract the attention of his mother. Adult male macaques seek to maximize their reproductive success by taking wife couples with women, both inside and outside of the breeding season. The females prefer to mate with males that increase the survival of their offspring. So a man marries provides resources for girls and protects them from predators.

Male rhesus macaques were observed to fight for access to sexually receptive females, but suffer more injuries during the mating season. Male macaques generally play no part in rearing the young, but they have peaceful relations with their children, couples wife. Mothers with one or more immature girls, and their children are in contact with the younger children of those who have immature older girls and mothers can pass the responsibility of raising their daughters. Children farther from the center of the most vulnerable groups outside infanticide. Some mothers abuse their children, which is supposed to be the result of controlling parenting styles. 

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