
Green Moray (Gymnothorax funebris)

The Life of Animals | Green Moray (Gymnothorax funebris) | Green Moray is one of Moray big Its length can reach 8 feet (2.5 m) with a weight of 65 pounds (29 kg). but Green Moray elongated body and looks muscular. The yellow color of the mucus in combination with a base color so it looks dark green color on the skin. Green Moray has no fins abdomen and chest, back and anal fins long and continuous with a short tail fin. This water passes over the gills out through the gill slits. Green Moray teeth of large, smooth edged and easy to be seen if the jaws open. Teeth on the roof of the mouth (known as the vomerine teeth)

Green Moray can be found in the western Atlantic Ocean from New Jersey to Bermuda and northern Gulf of Mexico, south to Brazil, including Ascension Island.  Green Moray is a solitary animal. Green Moray hiding during the day in rocky crevices.

Green Moray conduct its activities at night (nocturnal). Green Moray predator fish, crabs, squid and shrimp that rely mostly on sense of smell to find prey. Green Moray spawn. Although little is known about the spawning Green Moray, the data is known is egg diameter 1 mm from the Green Moray females measuring 1.1 meters.

Green Moray is very attractive to divers. Aesthetic appeal of the Green Moray who made this animal was commercialized. Large Green Moray potentially dangerous. Green Moray often seen only his head protruding from the crevices. A bite from a large Moray has the potential to become severe and potentially life threatening.