
Wolf Spiders

The Life of Animals | Wolf Spiders | Wolf spiders are members of the family Lycosidae, from the Ancient Greek word "λύκος" meaning "wolf". Wolf spiders resemble nursery web spiders (family Pisauridae), but They Carry Their egg sacs by attaching Them to Their spinnerets (Pisauridae Carry Their egg sacs with Their chelicerae and pedipalps). Two of the Wolf spider's eight eyes are large and prominent, the which distinguishes Them from the Nursery web spiders Whose eyes are all of approximately equal size.

There are many genera of wolf spider, ranging in body size from less than 1 to 30 millimeters (0.04 to 1:18 in). The bottom row consists of four small eyes, the middle row has two very large eyes (which distinguishes from the Pisauridae Them), and the top row has two medium-sized eyes. They depend on Their excellent eyesight to hunt.

Flashing a beam of light over the spider Will Produce eyeshine. The light from the flashlight has been reflected from the spider's eyes directly back toward its source, producing a "glow" that is easily noticed. Wolf spiders are unique in the way That They Carry Their eggs. The egg sac, a round silken globe, is attached to the spinnerets at the end of the abdomen, allowing the spider to carry her young with her Unborn. Hogna is the genus with the largest of the wolf spiders. There are many Smaller wolf spiders.

Wolf spiders are capable of defensive bites, and some South American species may give bites That are medically significant. Nevertheless, the presence of wolf spiders Generally works in favor of Humans Because They consume Insects. Wolf spiders inject venom Will Freely continually if Provoked. Symptoms of Their Venomous bite include swelling, mild pain and itching. Though usually Considered harmless to Humans, the bite of some species may be painful. Australian wolf spiders have also been associated with necrotic wounds, but careful study has likewise shown not to Produce Them Such results.

Wolf spiders can be found in a wide range of habitats Both coastal and inland. These include shrublands, Woodland, wet coastal forest, alpine meadows, and suburban gardens. Spiderlings disperse aerially and consequently wolf spiders have wide distributions. Arid zone species construct turrets or plug holes with leaves and Their Pebbles During the rainy season to protect themselves from flood waters.