

The Life of Animals | Grasshopper | Grasshoppers have antennae shorter than That are Generally Their body and short ovipositors. They also have pinchers or mandibles That cut and tear off food.  Tympana, if present, are on the sides of the first abdominal segment. The Hind femora are typically long and strong, fitted for leaping. Generally They are winged, but Hind wings are membranous while front wings (tegmina) are coriaceous and not fit for flight. Females are normally larger than males, with short ovipositors.

Grasshoppers prefer to eat grasses, leaves and cereal crops. The majority of Grasshoppers are polyphagous. Only one of the 8000 species of Grasshopper is monophagous and Will only eat a single species of plant. The digestive system of Insects includes a foregut (stomodaeum, the mouth region), a midgut (mesenteron), and a hindgut (proctodaeum, the anal region). The mandible can chew food very slightly and start mechanical digestion. Salivary glands chemically digest the food, though only carbohydrates in the grasses and Such They eat.

The crop has the ability to hold food. From there, food Enters the stomach. In the stomach, digestive enzymes mix with the food to break it down. Most food is handled in the midgut, but some food residue as well as waste products from the malpighian tubules are managed in the hindgut. These waste products consist Mainly of uric acid, urea and amino acids, and are normally converted into dry pellets before being disposed. The salivary glands and midgut secrete digestive enzymes. The midgut secretes protease, lipase, amylase, and invertase, Among other enzymes.

In Certain countries, Grasshoppers are Eaten as a good source of protein.  Grasshoppers Should Be Eaten raw with caution, as They may contain tapeworms. In some countries in Africa, Grasshoppers are an Important food source, as are other Insects, adding proteins and fats to the daily diet, ESPECIALLY in times of food crisis. The "Grasshoppers" Eaten in Uganda and neighbouring areas are Called nsenene, but They are in fact bush crickets, katydids Called also. In some countries in the Middle East, Grasshoppers are boiled egg in hot water with salt, left in the sun to dry then Eaten as snacks.