
Guinea fowl

The Life of Animals | Guinea fowl | Most species of guineafowl have a dark gray or blackish plumage with dense white spots, but Both members of the genus Agelastes lack the spots (as do some domestic variants of the Helmeted Guineafowl). While Relatively Several species are well known, the Plumed Guineafowl and the two members of the genus Agelastes Remain Relatively poorly known.

The Helmeted Guineafowl and Vulturine Generally occur in open or semiopen habitats Such as savanna or semideserts, while the remaining species of guineafowl Mainly occur in forests.
Sometimes guinea fowl are used to control ticks

Guineafowl have a long history of domestication, Mainly involving the Helmeted Guineafowl in the UK They were the resource persons usually known as "gleanies". The young (called "keets") are very small at birth.  The cooked flesh of guineafowl resembles chicken in texture, with a flavor somewhere the between chicken and turkey.