


The Life of Animals | Guppy | Guppies are native to Antigua and Barbuda, Barbados, Brazil, Guyana, the Netherlands Antilles, Trinidad and Tobago, the U.S. Virgin Islands and Venezuela.In many cases, these guppies have had a negative impact on native fish faunas Guppies are highly Prolific live bearers The gestation period of a guppy is 21-30 days, with an average of 28 days, varying According to water temperature. Guppies prefer water temperatures of about 26 ° C (79 ° F) for reproduction. The female guppy has drops of the between 2 and 50 fry at a time, typically ranging the between 5 and 30.

Guppies have the ability to store sperm up to a year, so the females can give birth many times without Depending on the presence of a male. From the moment of birth, each fry is fully capable of swimming, eating, and avoiding danger. Kept separate if not, the older, mature guppies Will eat the fry, so the use of a breeder box, breeder net, or a separate 20-40 litres (4-9 imp gal; 5-11 U.S. gal) tank is recommended.  Young fry take roughly three or four months to reach maturity. In the aquarium, They are usually fed finely ground flake foods, baby brine shrimp or, Unless They are put in a separate tank, uneaten food from the adults.

Guppies have been selectively Bred to Produce a variety of colors and patterns. In the wild, male guppies are dull black or brown in color, with some colored spots, while females are fully dull gray. The wild guppies That showed the most colors in each generation were the resource persons Bred to Produce the "fancy guppies" seen in pet stores and guppy shows today. The guppy has been successfully hybridised with Various species of molly (Poecilia latipinna or velifera), eg, male female guppy and molly.

Generally Guppies are peaceful, though nipping behavior is exhibited Sometimes Towards the between male guppies or other top swimmers like Platys and swordtails, and occasionally other fish with prominent fins, Such as angelfish.  Guppies Bred by aquarists produced variations in appearance ranging from color consistency to Various tail forms. Specially designed livebearer birthing tanks, the which can be suspended inside the aquarium, are available from aquatic retailers. These also serve to shield the pregnant female from Further attention from the males, the which is Important, Because Sometimes Will attack the males while the females They are giving birth. Well-Planted Tanks That offer a lot of barriers to adult guppies will of shelter the young quite well.