
Boykin Spaniel

The Life of Animals | Boykin Spaniel | The Boykin Spaniel is slightly larger than the English Cocker Spaniel but much heavier through the body width. Females are smaller, 14 - 16.5 ins (35 - 41.91 cm) and 25-35 lbs (11.4 - 15.9 kg). Buyers should be aware of the size and weight in the puppy's pedigree before choosing a breeder if size is a factor in their choice of dog. The color ranges from brilliant gold to a dark amber. Coat length and density Vary Widely due to the variety of breeds That make up the recent background of this breed. A few bloodlines throw shorter, straight coats much like a Labrador. White markings other than a mark on the chest, or a white mark on the chest That is more than 60% of the width of the chest, disqualify puppies from being registered with the Boykin Spaniel Society, although the American Kennel Club and United Kennel Club do not allow denial of registration for Reasons conformation.

The Boykin Spaniel is a versatile hunter, working as a retriever and upland hunter, flushing birds into flight. Boykin Spaniels share many of the health problems seen in other spaniel and retriever breeds. Boykin Spaniels have a 37% chance of being born with hip dysplasia, According to 2006 statistics. All breeding stock should receive either a passing PennHIP evaluation or an OFA certification prior to being Bred. The breed also has a high incidence of eye problems and patellar luxation. Cushings disease and hypothyroidism are known in the breed. DNA testing of this autosomal recessive disease can absolutely identify carriers (one copy of the gene) and affected (2 copies of the gene) individuals.

The BSS and BSCBAA Code of Ethics for Breeders mandates That member to be Bred dogs should be tested for hips, hereditary eye disease, and heart / cardiac (specifically pulmunary stenosis), as well as for other diseases may have a genetic That Such components as allergies, elbow dysplasia, patellar luxation and. The joint venture of the AKC and OFA is called the CHIC (Canine Health Information Center) database. For a CHIC number the dogs must have an annual CERF test for eyes, an OFA test for patellar luxation, and a test for hip dysplasia. Optional tests are a heart test and an elbow dysplasia test.Obtaining a CHIC certification does not mean a dog has passed Their evaluations; it is merely an indication That the owner checked for the health diseases in the Boykin Spaniel. Testing and conscientious breeding can Reduced the incidence of these problems, and puppy buyers should request results of these tests. The Orthopedic Foundation for Animals evaluated 157 breeds of dogs Between January 1974 through to December 2009. The Boykin Spaniel Thirteenth ranked worst for hip dysplasia with 34.8% of dogs affected Update: As of December 2011, the Boykin Spaniel ranked # 14 with 2890 evaluations submitted to OFA and 33.7 percent evaluated as dysplastic by OFA.

The BSCBAA is part of the AKC Canine Health Foundation.  The AKC CHF hosts free online podcasts, has donated Millions of dollars to research grants and veterinary scholarships, and offers nationwide representation for clinics and events to benefit all dog breeds. The BSCBAA participates in the Purina Pro Club. The Boykin Spaniel Foundation (BSF), a 501 (c) Wholly owned entities and subsidiaries of the Boykin Spaniel Society founded in 2008. They have Promoted club participation in the Purina Pro Club for many years and have banked the AKC CHF matching funding to over $ 10,000.00 total DAF funds by 2009. The AKC CHF and Purina Pro Club developed this program to help all breeds of dogs and allow the breed clubs to self-govern Their DAF. The BSF sponsors eye and heart clinics at its National Upland Field Trial and the National Field Trial in January and March of each year.  The clinics are Provided at no charge to BSS members, with a limit of one BSS registered Boykin Spaniel per family. The BSF also has a program That provides a one-time reimbursement of $ 75 to its members (membership must be current and dogs must be registered BSS) to defray the cost of radiographs and subsequent evaluation by the OFA to BSS registered dogs only. The BSS notifies the member when his or her dog Reaches eligibility age (24 months) and encourages participation in the program with the long term goal of improving genetics within the breed. The Boykin Spaniel is a friendly, social dog That does best in a family environment with lots of outdoor activity. As with all dogs, the Boykin Spaniels require regular grooming and daily exercise. Clipping the coat regularly is recommended ESPECIALLY if the dog is in the field, as the soft coat collects foxtails and Briars. Spraying the dog with cooking spray is also recommended to help defend against long tangles in the fur