
Briquet Griffon Vendéen

The Life of Animals | Briquet Griffon Vendéen  | The Briquet Griffon Vendéen has a short head, low-set ears and a Bushy double coat. It comes in solid or mixed colors, fawn, light brown, white and orange, white and gray and even tri-colored. The Briquet is a passionate hunter with stamina and Fortitude. Bred to work in packs as well as on Their Own, They get along well with other dogs and are not overly possessive about anything. They are fine companions for children.

All the Griffons are keen hunters with strong instincts. Short of hunting opportunities, Griffons must have time outdoors. Long walks are most appreciated-Bred as hunting dogs, They do not tire easily.
The tousled appearance of the Griffon comes naturally, and any trimming is highly discouraged. Its double coat must be brushed and combed. The burrs and mud it picks up in its travels need to be brushed off its legs and belly.