
African Wild Dog


The Life of Animals | African Wild Dog | It 'the only canid species lack dewclaws on the front legs. This is the largest canid Africa, just behind the gray wolf, is the world's second largest wild canid exists. Animals in southern Africa are generally larger than the east or west. Has a dental formula consists of 42 teeth. Premolars are relatively large compared with those of other canids, so that a large quantity of bone, much like hyenas consume. The African wild dog has a bite force measured ratio (BFQ, bite force on the mass of the animal) at 142, the highest existing mammalian order Carnivora, although exceeded by the Tasmanian devil, a marsupial carnivore. Can kill at the age of 8-11 months small prey, but depend on the pack kills most of their food. Wild dogs reach sexual maturity at the age of 12-18 months.

The females of the pack of birth until 14-30 months old disperse and join other packs that lack sexually mature females. Among the wild dogs compete women access to males that. The practice may leave adults behind the guard puppies hunting efficiency in smaller packages to reduce The packages are divided into male and female hierarchies. Previously it was thought that if a division of alpha-chip package, but this was rejected (albeit on a small scale) by Mutual of Omaha Wild Kingdom, in which 6 dogs that had been raised in captivity (reached only 5 the island, a died of anesthesia) lost their two alpha, which purports to be fixed crocodiles, but the 3-pack and a new alpha male and the female were. In the group of women, the oldest will have alpha status over the others, so keep a mother her alpha status over her daughters and sisters. Among men, the father's brother and many others are dominant dominant without a father or a brother, the other to be the new dominant breeders.

If two to this lonely separate sexes meet, they may form a pack, if not correlated. Independent wild dogs are sometimes in groups, but this is usually temporary. In contrast, the wild dogs occasionally hostile independent experiments buy packages. In the Serengeti, the average dog density (prior to local extinction of the species) a dog for every 208 square kilometers (80 square miles), while in the Selous Game Reserve, the average density was 1 dog every 25 square kilometers (9, 7 square MI). In the Serengeti, the average range at 1,500 square kilometers (580 square miles) is estimated, although individual ranges overlap extensively. It once approximately 500,000 African Wild Dogs in 39 countries, and packs of 100 or more were were not uncommon. Smaller populations, but surely, apparently several hundred people in Zimbabwe (Hwange National Park), South Africa (Kruger National Park), and the complex Ruaha / Rungwa / Kisigo Tanzania. Isolated populations persist in Zambia, Kenya and Mozambique.

The African wild dog is to fight by human overpopulation, habitat loss and killing endangered predators. Used very large areas (they can only exist in large protected areas), and is strongly influenced by competition with larger carnivores that rely on the same prey base, particularly the lion and hyena. While adult wild dogs run faster pace than larger predators, lions often kill as many wild dogs and puppies to chew on the site, but can not eat. One by one the hyena is much more powerful than the wild dog, but a large group of wild dogs hunt successfully, a small number of hyenas because of their teamwork. Most of the national parks in Africa are too small for a pack of wild dogs, and tend to be expansion packs for protected areas, ranch or farm land. Breeders and farmers to protect their domestic animals by killing the wild dogs. Like other carnivores, the African wild dog is sometimes affected by outbreaks of viral diseases such as rabies, distemper and parvovirus. Although these diseases are no longer pathogenic or virulent for wild dogs, the small size of most wild dog populations to the risk of local extinction due to illness or other problems. 

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