


The Life of Animals | Nudibranch | The body forms of nudibranchs vary widely, but because they are opisthobranch, unlike most other shells are bilaterally symmetrical, both externally and internally, because they suffered secondary detorsion. The adult form is without a shell or capsule (the capsule shell is a bone plate or horny that can cover the opening of the shell when the body is removed). In contrast to the rear of the keyboard aeolids Cladobranchia in bright colors are sets of protruding organs called cerata. Nudibranchs have cephalic (head) tentacles, which are sensitive to taste, touch and smell. Club-shaped rhinophores detect the odors.

Nudibranchs typically deposit their eggs in a gelatinous spiral. All known nudibranchs are carnivorous. Other groups of tunicates feed (eg Tambja, Nembrotha, Polycera, Thecacera), other nudibranchs (Roboastra, descending-feeding tunicate species), barnacles (eg Onchidoris) and anemones (eg Cladobranchia Aeolidiidae and others). The surface dwelling nudibranch Glaucus atlanticus is a specialist predator siphonophores like the Portuguese Man O War "This predatory mollusk sucks air into the stomach to hold the liquid and leg muscle that clings to the film surface.

During evolution, sea slugs have lost their shell because they have developed other defense mechanisms. Some species have developed external anatomy with textures and colors that mimicked the plants around to avoid predators (see camouflage). Nudibranchs that feed on hydroids can store the nematocysts hydroids "(stinging cells) in the dorsal body wall, the cerata. Estes, called nematocysts kleptocnidae stolen, stroll through the digestive tract without harming the nudibranch. Nudibranchs can protect hydroids and their nematocysts., it is unclear how, but special cells with large vacuoles probably play an important role.

Some nudibranchs sponge-food concentrate their toxins replacement sponge in the body, making it toxic to predators. The evidence suggests that no toxins used by nudibranchs Dorid actually come from fungi diet lies in the similarities between the primary and secondary metabolites of prey and nudibranchs, respectively. Additionally nudibranchs contain a mixture of chemicals when the mushrooms in the presence of various power supplies and protection chemistry changes with a simultaneous change in diet. However, that is not the only way to develop nudibranchs chemical defense.

Evidence of different production methods will chemical composition is uniform across the drastically different environments and geographical locations are around species production compared with the vast array of new chemical composition of diet and environment dependent medium complexing species. Another method is to protect an acid release from skin. When the sample is physically irritated or touched by other creature, shall be released automatically mucus.
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