Chinese alligator

The Life of Animals | Chinese alligator | The Chinese alligator or Alligator  is one of two known living species of Alligator, a genus in the family Alligatoridae. The Chinese alligator is native only to China. It is smaller than the other alligator species, the American alligator, growing to an average of 1.5 m (5 ft).

Freshwater Crocodile

The Life of Animals | Freshwater Crocodile | The freshwater crocodile (Crocodylus johnsoni Crocodylus johnstoni or; see below), also known as the Australian freshwater crocodile, Johnston's Crocodile or colloquially as freshie, is a species of reptiles endemic to the northern regions of Australia. It is much Smaller than the other Australian species, the saltwater crocodile, the which is Responsible for attacks on people.


The Life of Animals | Gharial | The Gharial (Gavialis gangeticus), also called Indian gavial or gavial, is the only surviving member of the once well-represented family Gavialidae, a long-established group of crocodilians with long, slender snouts The gharial is listed as a critically endangered species by IUCN The gharial is one of the three crocodilians found in India, the others being the Mugger crocodile and the Saltwater crocodile It is one of the longest of all living crocodilians.

Rex Rabbit

The Life of Animals | Rex Rabbit | The Rex Rabbit is a breed of rabbit developed in France in 1919. Their unique, dense, plush, velvet-like fur, was caused by a mutation seen in wild rabbits in France in the late 19th century. After development of the Mini Rex, some people began to refer to the Rex rabbit as the standard Rex rabbit. The official breed name used by ARBA and BSR is the Rex rabbit.

Netherland Dwarf


The Life of Animals | Netherland Dwarf | The Netherland Dwarf is a popular breed of domestic rabbit (Oryctolagus cuniculus) originating in the Netherlands. Smaller than most rabbit breeds, Netherland Dwarf rabbits weigh 500 g to 1.6 kg (1.1 lbs to 3.5 lbs) and are usually kept as pets or exhibition animals. Most rabbits sold in rabbit shows are Netherland Dwarfs, Netherland Dwarf-derived breeds (often referred to simply as dwarf breeds), or Netherland Dwarf crosses. Their popularity as pets stems from their babyish appearance and their smaller cage space requirement compared to larger rabbit breeds. A lot of people also use Netherland Dwarfs for showing.

Holland Lop

The Life of Animals | Holland Lop | Holland lops are a breed of rabbit originating in the Netherlands. The breed was recognized by the Netherlands' Governing Rabbit Council in 1964 and the American Rabbit Breeders' Association in 1979. This breed marked its beginning when Dutch rabbit breeder Adrian de Cock sought to combine the best qualities from two distinctively different rabbit breeds, the French Lop and the Netherland Dwarf, into a new breed.

Flemish Giant

The Life of Animals | Flemish Giant | The Flemish Giant is a old breed of domesticated rabbits, originating from the Flemish region. This 'Patagonian' rabbit was a large land race breed that was once bred in Belgium and France. Thomas Coat oam in his "Origins of the Flemish Giants" tells us "The earliest authentic record of the Flemish Giant Rabbit occurred about the year 1860. Weights of certain specimen were stated to be 18 to 20 pounds. However, a close investigation of the matter of weights proved that 12to 14 pounds were the average weight of giant rabbits raised in the above mentioned country.

Himalayan Rabbit


The Life of Animals | Himalayan Rabbit | The ideal age for the female Himalayan rabbit to start breeding is between 5 to 6 months of age.  The Himalayan rabbit is a small, slender rabbit. The average weight of the Himalayan rabbit is 2kgs. The mainstay of a rabbit’s diet should be large unlimited amounts of fresh hay, fresh fruit and vegetables, a well-balanced dry rabbit mix and plenty of clean water. A water bottle fixed to the outside of the cage, with the water tube going into the cage, ensures a fresh water supply is available.

English Spot

The Life of Animals | English Spot | The English Spot is a breed of domestic rabbit that was developed in England in the 19th century through selective breeding. Averaging 5 to 8 pounds in weight, the English Spot is a medium-sized breed that is most noted by the distinctive colored markings on its body, including the butterfly, eye circles, English Spots have a full arch body, with long front legs that carry them off the table. English Spots are most known for their curious and fun loving nature.

Dutch Rabbit

The Life of Animals | Dutch Rabbit | The Dutch rabbit, easily identifiable by its characteristic colour pattern, was once the most popular of all rabbit breeds. However, after dwarf rabbits were developed, the popularity of the Dutch rabbit dwindled. Nevertheless, the Dutch rabbit remains one of the top ten most popular breeds worldwide. The Dutch rabbit has its genetic roots in this old breed. The American Rabbit Breeders Association standard calls for a small to medium rabbit.

American Chinchilla


The Life of Animals | American Chinchilla | The American Chinchilla or "Heavyweight Chinchilla" is larger than the Standard Chinchilla but otherwise identical. Standard Chinchillas bred for large size produced this breed. Chinchilla Rabbits originated in France and were bred to standard by M. J. Dybowski.

Lionhead Rabbit

The Life of Animals | Lionhead Rabbit | Lionhead rabbit is one of the newest breeds of domestic rabbits in the United States, and is currently undergoing the American Rabbit Breeders' Association evaluation process. The Lionhead rabbit has particularly long wool surrounding the face, reminiscent of the mane of a male lion, hence the name.

Black Mamba

The Life of Animals | Black Mamba | snake in Africa, averaging around 2.5 meters (8.2 ft), and Sometimes growing up to 4.3 meters (14 ft). The eastern green mamba, Dendroaspis angusticeps, and the black mamba, Dendroaspis polylepis were the resource persons Considered a single species until 1946 Pls Dr. Vivian Fitzsimons Them split into separate species. The snake's scientific name is Dendroaspis polylepis: Dendroaspis meaning "tree asp ', and polylepis meaning" many scaled. " The name "black mamba" is given to the snake not Because of its body color but Because of its ink-black mouth.


The Life of Animals | Daboia | Daboia is a monotypic genus of venomous Old World viper. The single species, D. russelii, is found in Asia throughout the Indian subcontinent, much of Southeast Asia, southern China and Taiwan. The species was named in honor of Patrick Russell (1726–1805), a Scottish herpetologist who first described many of India's snakes; and the genus is after the Hindi name meaning "that lies hid", or "the lurker." This snake can grow to a maximum length of 166 cm (5.5 ft) and averages about 120 cm (4 ft) on mainland Asian populations, although island populations do not attain this size. Ditmars (1937) reported the following dimensions for a "fair sized adult specimen"

King Cobra

The Life of Animals | King Cobra | The king cobra (Ophiophagus hannah) is the world's longest venomous snake, with a length up to 5.6 m (18.5 ft).  This species, which preys chiefly on other snakes, is found predominantly in forests from India through Southeast Asia to the Philippines and Indonesia. Despite the word "cobra" in its name, this snake is not a member of Naja ("true cobras") but belongs to its own genus. The king cobra can be highly aggressive and agile, delivering a large quantity of highly potent venom in a single bite. The King Cobra is a large and powerful snake, averaging 3 to 4 meters (9.8 to 13 ft) in length and typically weighing about 6 kilograms (13 lb). The head of a mature snake can be quite massive and bulky in appearance, though like all snakes, they can expand their jaws to swallow large prey items The male is larger and thicker than the female. The average lifespan of a king cobra is about 20 years.

Philippine Cobra

The Life of Animals | Philippine Cobra | The Philippine Cobra (Naja philippinensis) is a stocky, highly venomous spitting cobra native to the Philippines.  Fairly stockily built. Pattern: adults uniformly light or medium brown, occasionally some lighter variegations; juveniles dark brown, with lighter variegations, sometimes a dark band behind the throat. The Philippine cobra can be found on the islands of Luzon, Mindoro, Catanduanes, Samar, Eastern Samar, Southern Leyte and Masbate.

Common Krait

The Life of Animals | Common Krait | The common krait (Bungarus caeruleus) is a type of krait that is found in the jungles of the Indian sub-continent. This snake is highly venomous, and is one of the "big four" snakes in India. The body colour varies from a dark steely blue-black to a pale faded bluish grey. It has large hexagonal scales running down its spine.  Young are known to eat arthropods. As per Daniels, the common krait feeds primarily on other snakes, including "blind worms" (snakes of the genus Typhlops) and other kraits, and also feeds on frogs and lizards and small mammals. This snake is nocturnal.

Taipan Snake

The Life of Animals | Taipan Snake | There are three known species: the coastal taipan (Oxyuranus scutellatus), the inland taipan (Oxyuranus microlepidotus) and a recently discovered third species, the Central Ranges taipan (Oxyuranus temporalis). The coastal taipan has two subspecies: the coastal taipan (Oxyuranus scutellatus scutellatus), found along the north-eastern coast of Queensland and the Papuan taipan (Oxyuranus scutellatus canni), found on the southern coast of Papua New Guinea.

Hydrophis Belcheri


The Life of Animals | Hydrophis Belcheri |  The Faint banded Sea Snake (Hydrophis belcheri), also known as the Belcher's ocean snake) is a species of elapid sea snake. The toxicity of this species' venom have been many times Called into question, with some herpetologists and snake enthusiasts naming either the beaked sea snake (Enhydrina schistosa) or the Inland Taipan (Oxyuranus microlepidotus) as having the most toxic venom.

Wolf Spiders

The Life of Animals | Wolf Spiders | Wolf spiders are members of the family Lycosidae, from the Ancient Greek word "λύκος" meaning "wolf". Wolf spiders resemble nursery web spiders (family Pisauridae), but They Carry Their egg sacs by attaching Them to Their spinnerets (Pisauridae Carry Their egg sacs with Their chelicerae and pedipalps). Two of the Wolf spider's eight eyes are large and prominent, the which distinguishes Them from the Nursery web spiders Whose eyes are all of approximately equal size.

Green Moray (Gymnothorax funebris)

The Life of Animals | Green Moray (Gymnothorax funebris) | Green Moray is one of Moray big Its length can reach 8 feet (2.5 m) with a weight of 65 pounds (29 kg). but Green Moray elongated body and looks muscular. The yellow color of the mucus in combination with a base color so it looks dark green color on the skin. Green Moray has no fins abdomen and chest, back and anal fins long and continuous with a short tail fin. This water passes over the gills out through the gill slits. Green Moray teeth of large, smooth edged and easy to be seen if the jaws open. Teeth on the roof of the mouth (known as the vomerine teeth)



The Life of Animals | Wombat | Wombats are Australian marsupials; they are short-legged, muscular quadrupeds, approximately 1 metre (39 in) in length with a short, stubby tail. The name wombat comes from the aborigines that originally inhabited the Sydney area. Wombats were often called badgers by early settlers because of their size and habit. Because of this, localities such as Badger Creek, Victoria and Badger Corner, Tasmania were named after the wombat. Wombats are Australian marsupials are short-legged, four-legged and has a length of approximately 1 meter with a very short tail. Wombats dig burrows with front teeth like a rodent and strong claws. Although wombats hunt in the daytime and at night, wombats will also go to eat on a cold day.


The Life of Animals | Ladybug | Hemiptera is an order of insects known as ladybugs.Hemiptera consists of 80,000 species of insects such as the katydid, aphids, anggang-anggang, Walang rice pest, and others. Small insects known as ladybugs (ladybug) are not included in the Hemiptera, but included in the order Coleoptera (beetles) because it has differences in terms of anatomy and life cycle.

Japanese Rhinoceros Beetle

The Life of Animals | Japanese Rhinoceros BeetleJapanese rhinoceros beetle (Trypoxylus dichotomus) is one species of rhinoceros beetles of the genus Trypoxylus family Scarabaeidae. These insect originated Japan, Korea, Taiwan, and China. The Japanese call it kabutomushi (カブトムシ Insects Kabuto?) As male imago has an antenna shaped like a horn on the head like Kabuto. In Bahasa, these beetles are Called rhinoceros beetle (rhinoceros beetles) Because the antenna is said to be similar to rhinoceros horn .Cheap female rhinoceros beetle Because it has no antenna.


The Life of Animals | lymantridae | type of caterpillar this one is a pretty horrendous animal Indonesia, because this animal pests attacking Indonesian society on a large scale, divided into various types, color characteristics of these animals are very, interesting but dangerous, want to know? The following report


The Life of Animals | Dugongs | Dugongs including the rarest marine animals in Indonesia is currently among the various rare animals that must be protected. Although many people refer to these animals as a mermaid, but these animals are not fish. Similar to dolphins, dugongs including mammals. The mother breastfeeding her child. Another difference with the dolphins, their anatomy, mermaid looks more like an elephant, do not eat fish because it includes species of mammal herbivores, who eat in the sea grass beds of sea grass.


The Life of Animals | Weasel | The weasel is a small, thin mammal. Weasels are found all around the world apart from the Arctic and Australia including it's surrounding islands. The weasel feeds mainly on small mammals and the weasel has a bad reputation amongst farmers who do not approve of the weasel stealing their poultry and their eggs. The weasel can burrow quickly into the ground, meaning the weasel can easily escape danger including farmers that want to catch them.

Bali Starling Bird


Animal Eyes | Bali Starling Bird  | Bird species this one is one step species, these beautiful birds have the white color that makes your eyes shine when he saw, in Indonesia this bird was labeled as animals move, and until this bird has been given strict rules when hunting these animals, like know? The following report

Star nosed mole


The Life of Animals | Star nosed mole  | Star nosed mole has a face that can be fairly weird and scary as well because his legs were also seen looking sharp at all, this Star-nosed nosed mole lives in wet lowland areas and eats small invertebrates, aquatic insects, worms and mollusks.


The Life of Animals | Squirrel | animals are agile and have run a very fast pace and also this funny love jumping from tree to tree, this plant-eating animals have a variety of unique, want to know? The following report


The Life of Animals | Skunk | The skunk (also known as the polecat) are most commonly known for their ability to secrete a foul, strong smelling odor from their rear end, when the skunk feels that it is under threat. There are 11 known species of skunk in the world, with most of these skunk species inhabiting the American continent. Two of these skunk species are found in Indonesia and the Philippines. The colour of the skunk can vary from the typical black and white to grey, cream and even brown. However all skunks are striped and baby skunks are even born with their striped markings regardless of their colour.


The Life of Animals | Big-belly | You hear the word horse may already know, there are two types of horses are divided according to their habitat, which is on land and at sea, this time the animals that we can see the sea horses, maybe you only know a few kinds of sea horses, sea horses sea horses this is a very attractive because of its beautiful and also pretty much the animal is used as an ornamental in the aquarium animals want to know? The following report

Ghost Bat


Animal Eyes | Ghost Bat | White furry bat is found in tropical rain forests ranging from Mexico to Brazil, and also on the island of Trinidad, the Caribbean. These are solitary animals that spend the daytime nesting under palm leaves, and then flew high in the night, hunting moths and other flying insects.

Bobtail Squid


The Life of Animals | Bobtail Squid | squid divided from various types of course also have different benefits, this one has an animal is a funny shape and color are also attractive and beautiful, these animals are usually much used as an ornamental ornamental animals in the aquarium, want to know? The following report

Red Jungle Fowl


Animal Eyes | Red Jungle Fowl | This one animal is an animal that almost every time we meet we even consume, but the chicken is divided into several types, one of his chicken, the chicken is a step and also rarely we meet, usually living in the forest, which is his trademark red color in her body is very beautiful and attractive, this animal is indeed a lot of copies, but there are a hallmark of its own in these animals, want to know? The following report



The Life of Animals | Jerboa | This animal is an animal might be a very step we meet because it involves an animal steps. its tiny and unique also is very funny, even only in the place of certain habitats such as deserts, mountains and of course, far from human settlements, want to know? The following report

Tibetan Wonder Gecko

The Life of Animals | Tibetan wonder gecko | These animals usually we meet at home who have the materials of wood, because these animals normally live moist, of various types of animals are divided into various types,  only these animals, which we used to know this animal with a fairly high price aka expensive, because these animals have the advantage that quite a lot and also useful, want to know? The following report

Malagasy rainbow frog


The Life of Animals | Holstein | Observed from the name, Malagasy rainbow frog, of course, have different colors. This type of frog habitat in rocky dry forest of Madagascar's Isalo Massif. Breed in shallow ponds and can usually be found be found in the valley. Frogs are good at this kind of adapt. The proof he was good at climbing in rocky environments, and even on vertical surfaces! When threatened, this frog will develop yourself as a defense mechanism against predators.

Polar Bears


The Life of Animals | Polar Bears | Polar bears or polar bear or the scientific name Ursus maritimus is the rule genera of large mammals, biological family Ursidae. He included Circumpolar species contained in and around the Arctic and is the largest land mammal genera of animals. Polar bears adult males weighing between 400 to 600 kilograms and occasionally exceed 800 kg. Polar bears about half the weight of female and male bears typically weigh between 200 to 300 kg. Adult male bears along the 240 to 260 centimeters and the female polar bears between 190 to 210 cm. When a newborn, baby bear weighing 600 to 700 grams.

Orca (Orcinus orca)

The Life of Animals | Orca (Orcinus orca) | Orca (Orcinus orca) is the largest species of the dolphin family. This species is found in all oceans, from the cold regions like the Arctic and Antarctica to the warm temperate regions. Killer whales are predators, eating mostly fish populations, comparison with other populations  eat marine mammals like sea lions, seals, walruses to large whales.


The Life of Animals | hippopotamus | This one animal animal who loved to bathe, this animal is very big and weight, there is this animal body reach 1000 kg weight, these animals we encounter a lot of habitat in africa, but also our own country can find him at the zoo, want to know? The following report  



The Life of Animals | Zebra | If we go to the park safari in Africa, an animal which is probably the most eye-catching zebra. Because zebras have black-and-white motif is striking in its body. This striking zebra motif which is a tool to protect themselves from enemies. Zebra which alone will be easily visible and subject to predators. Fortunately zebras live in groups. Therefore the intention of approaching predators herd zebra can not focus on one view of the tail just as a herd of zebra-striped body looks very crowded, so predators can not attack.

Sea lion

The Life of Animals | Sea lion | According to the Oregon Department of Fish and Wildlife, since 2008 40 California Sea Lions have been removed from the Bonneville Dam area (which straddles the Columbia River between Oregon and Washington.) 25 of these sea lions were euthanized, 10 were given to aquariums and 5 were captured and subsequently died (of unspecified causes.) 


The Life of Animals | Holstein | Tembadau or bull (from the Java language, bison), Bos javanicus, are animals that  with cattle and are found in Myanmar, Thailand, Cambodia, Laos, Vietnam, Borneo, Java, and Bali. The bull was taken to Northern Australia during British colonization in 1849 and is still sustainable.


The Life of Animals | Holstein | The Holstein (may also be known as Holstein-Friesian or Friesian) is a breed of dairy cow known today as the world's highest production dairy animal. Originating in Europe, Holsteins were developed in what is now the Netherlands and more specifically in the two northern provinces of North Holland and Friesland (not from Holstein, Germany). The animals were the regional cattle of the Batavians and Frisians, two tribes who settled in the coastal Rhine region around 2,000 years ago.


The Life of Animals | Camel | Camels are best known for their impressive water-storing humps that are prominent on the camels back. Camels are mainly found in the deserts of the Middle-East, and in some areas of eastern Asia. Camels are incredibly resilient to the desert climates and the arid conditions that would easily kill another animal. Camels also possess the incredible ability to lose nearly 40% of their body weight as water and be unharmed. Camels have been used for hundreds of years for transporting people and goods across the desert. Camels were also used in the transportation of silk along the first trade route from China to the Middle East in the middle ages.

Flying Fish


The Life of Animals | Flying Fish | Found in all oceans, flying fish use their large pectoral fins to glide 50 meters above the water when threatened by a predator / prey. To reach the air, flying fish will be flapping their tails 70 times per second. The tail is also used to pressurize the water to allow fish glide in the air a moment before descending to the sea. Fish can fly longer floating in the air by gliding with the flow of air and sea is strong.


Animal Eyes | Anteater | animals that one might indeed rare to encounter in our daily lives, because this animal lived only a certain area, another form with another animal may be new when we first saw this animal will feel strange, how could an animal like this, want to know ? The following report


Animal Eyes | Koala | This animal is one of the animals the pride of the continent of Australia, a very funny animals are very happy to grow on trees and also while carrying her child, want to know? The following report

Bawean Deer


The Life of Animals | Bawean Deer | Bawean deer (Axis kuhlii) is an endemic species of deer native Bawean whose population has declined. Some results of population studies indicate the existence of Deer populations are increasingly threatened Bawean, mainly by poaching and habitat fragmentation. The results of the study population by BKSDA Java I worked with the Faculty of Forestry Gadjah Mada University in 2003, succeeded in estimating the number of deer populations in their natural habitat Bawean amounted to 307 to 316 individuals. Vortex simulation results with the program indicate the occurrence of local extinction in the future, especially in isolated populations.

Post Labels

Albatross Alligator Amphibian Anteater Antelope Ape Armadillo Aves Avocet Axolotl Baboon Badger Bandicoot Barb Bat Bear Beaver Bee Beetle Beetle Horns Binturong Bird Birds Of Paradise Bison Boar Bongo Bonobo Booby Budgerigar Buffalo Bugs Bull Butterfly Butterfly Fish Caiman Camel Capybara Caracal Cassowary Cat Caterpillar Catfish Cattle Centipede Chameleon Chamois Cheetah Chicken Chimpanzee Chinchilla Cicada Cichlid Civet Clouded Leopard Clown Fish Coati Collared Peccary Common Buzzard Cougar Cow Coyote Crab Crane Critically Endangered crocodile Crustacean Cuscus Damselfly Deer Dhole Discus Dodo Dog Dolphin Donkey Dormouse Dragon Dragonfly Duck Dugongs Eagle east Concern Eastern Rosella Echidna Eel Elephant Emu Extinct Falcon Fennec fox Ferret Fish Flamingo Flatfish Flounder Fly Fossa Fox Frog Gar Gazelle Gecko Gerbil Gerridae Gharial Gibbon Giraffe Goat Goose Gopher Gorilla Grasshopper Green Anaconda Guinea Fowl Guinea Pig Gull Guppy Hamster Hare Harp seal Hawk Hedgehog Heron Hippopotamus Horse Hummingbird Hyena Ibis Iguana Impala Insect Invertebrate Jackal Jaguar Jellyfish Jerboa Kangaroo Kestrel Kingfisher Kiwi Koala Komodo Kowari Kudu Ladybird Ladybug Larvae Lemming Lemur Leopard Liger Lion Lizard Llama Lobster Loris Lynx Macaque Magpie Mammoth Manta Ray Markhor Marsupial Mayfly Meerkat Mermaid Millipede moles Mollusca Mongoose Monkey Moorhen Moose Mosquito Moth Mule Near Threatened Newt Nightingale ntelope Nudibranch Numbat Octopus Okapi Omnivore Orangutan Oriole Ornamental Birds Ornamental Fish Ostrich Otter owl Oyster Pademelon Panda Panthera Parrot Peacock Pelican Penguins Phanter Pig Pika Pike Platypus Polar Bears Porcupine Possum Prawn Primate Puffer Fish Puffin Puma Quoll Rabbit Raccoon Rare Rat Reindeer Reptile Rhino Robin Rodent Salamander Salmon Scorpion Scorpion Fish Sea ​​horse Sea lion Seals Serval Shark Skunk Snake spider Squid Squirrel Starling Bird Stoat Stork Swan Tapir Tarantula Threatened Tiger Tortoise Toucan Turtle Vulnerable Vulture Walrus Warthog Weasel whale Wildebeest Wolf Wolverine Wombat Woodlouse Woodpecker Zebra

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