
  The Life of Animals | Warthog | The Warthog is medium in size, like a wild suid. Female, 45-75 kg (99-170 lbs), usually are a little "is smaller and lighter than the males, from 60 to 150 kg (130-330 pounds). lower torque, which is much shorter than the upper pair is extremely sharp is closed by the friction in the upper pair and each opening of the mouth. Warthog ivory is taken from the constantly growing canine teeth. The tusks, more often in the top row is worked much reduced in the form of elephant tusks with all designs. Thinning...


  The Life of Animals | Grouse | Grouse are heavily built like other Galliformes chickens. They vary in length from 31 cm (12 inches) to 95 cm (37 inches), with a weight of 0.3 kg (11 ounces) to 6.5 kg (14 lbs). Males are larger than females twice as heavy in the capercaillie, the largest member of the family. Grouse feathers have noses. Unlike other Galliformes, birds lack spurs These feed primarily on buds, catkins vegetation, leaves and branches, which normally accounts for over 95 percent of adult food weight. Many forest species...

Congo Peacock

  The Life of Animals | Congo Peacock | Congo Peafowl (Afropavo congensis) is a type of peacock. Male Long 64-70 Inch (25-28 inches) up to the big bird. With a metallic green and purple hues of dark blue feathers. His skin is red neck bar, black legs, and a black tail with fourteen feathers. Woman Up Pages: 60-63 Inch (24-25 inches) and usually black abdomen, metallic green back, and a small brown and gray bird with a crest. Less of the species. The contact between the two families, suggesting that the Congo peafowl, peacock and guinea...

Fennec fox

The Life of Animals | Fennec fox | Fox Fennec weighs about 1.5 to 3.5 pounds (0.68 to 1, 6 kg), with a length between 24 to 41 cm (9-16 inches), which is about 20.3 cm (8 inch) high. It is the smallest canid species worldwide. The ears are the largest of all the characteristics fennec foxes in conjunction with the size of the body and for heating, because it contains many blood vessels near the skin. The ears of a fennec are sensitive enough to hear prey, the subway, the soles of your feet from the hot desert sand, protected by thick fur...


  The Life of Animals | Pug | The breed is often summarized as Multum in Parvo ("many small"), in which the personality pug remarkable despite its small size, while the pugs in the eighteenth century prints tended to be long and lean, the preferences of race are modern for a square , cobby body, a compact form, a deep chest and well developed muscles. Pugs have two distinct shapes for their ears, "rose" and "button". Preference is in the creation of "button" style pugs. Willful but rarely aggressive, the pug is suitable for families...


The Life of Animals | Snowshoe | The size of the ears varies from medium to large with slightly rounded tips. The short-haired coat is solid and white patterns. Points (ears, tail, mask and sometimes legs) are solid black-based colors. Balls can be white, show color, skin color or speckled. Its color darkens with age to the point, from a chocolate brown color. Snowshoe cats come in blue, lilac, lynx, deer, chocolate and seal points. The bat is a medium to large sized cat and along many cats, males reach 18 pounds or more. The records and...

Lancashire Heeler

   The Life of Animals | Lancashire Heeler | The coat is hard and smooth, with a first layer that keeps the dog dry in all weather. The watchman, friendly, energetic, intelligent, playful, and a pleasant companion. Personality ranging from playful to energenic lazy and chatty. The Lancashire Heeler has a life expectancy of 12-15 years or more. The three most serious conditions that can affect Heelers are Collie eye abnormalities, primary lens luxation and persistent pupillary membranes. Besides these eye diseases, dogs of this...


  The Life of Animals | Kuvasz | The Kuvasz is a large dog with a double-density, odorless coat, white in color and can go straight to wavy in texture. Although the fur is white, the Kuvasz skin pigmentation should be dark and the nose should be black. The females usually weigh between 35-50 kg (75-90 pounds) while males weigh between 50-70 kg (100-150 lb) with moderate bone. (Refer to the breed standard for a more detailed description.) To the casual observer, the Kuvasz may seem like a great Pyrenees, Akbash, a Maremma Shepherd, Samoyed,...

Snow Goose

   The Life of Animals | Snow Goose | The Snow Goose has two types of plumage coloration, white (snow) or gray / blue (blue), for which the general description as "snow" and "blue". White-morph birds are white except for black wing tips, but blue-morph geese have bluish-gray plumage replacing the white except on the head, neck and tail. Both snow and blue phases feet and legs red and pink rose beads with black anatomy ("sharp"), making them a black "grin patch." The layers of color are inherited. The smallest subspecies, the Lesser...


  The Life of Animals | Shoebill | Distributed in tropical freshwater marshes of Southern Sudan Centre through parts of eastern Zaire, Rwanda, Uganda and western Tanzania. The distribution of this species seem to agree largely with papyrus and lungfish. The Shoebill is not migratory, with small movements due to seasonal changes in food availability and human disturbance habitat. The Shoebill is large freshwater swamps and dense. Nearly all wetlands that attract species of Cyperus papyrus and reeds Phragmites and Typha silence. More...

Glossy Ibis

  The Life of Animals | Glossy Ibis | This is the most common species of ibis, breeding in scattered sites in warm regions of Europe, Asia, Africa, Australia and the Atlantic Ocean and the Caribbean region of the Americas. This species is migratory, European birds overwinter in North Africa and North Carolina birds in winter to the south. Birds from other populations may greatly spread outside the breeding season. The breeding population in temperate regions during the local spring, while the tropical nesting populations, coinciding...

Blue Grosbeak

  The Life of Animals | Blue Grosbeak | Blue Grosbeak (Passerina caerulea, formerly Guiraca caerulea) is an average of granivorous birds in the same family as the cardinal north, "tropical" or New World buntings, and "cardinal-grosbeaks" or New grosbeaks world. Male Cardinal Blue is a beautiful bird that is almost exclusively a deep blue. It eats mainly insects, but also eats snails, spiders, seeds, grains and berries. Forage blue grosbeak on the ground and in the bushes and trees. This type is partially open habitats with scattered...

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Albatross Alligator Amphibian Anteater Antelope Ape Armadillo Aves Avocet Axolotl Baboon Badger Bandicoot Barb Bat Bear Beaver Bee Beetle Beetle Horns Binturong Bird Birds Of Paradise Bison Boar Bongo Bonobo Booby Budgerigar Buffalo Bugs Bull Butterfly Butterfly Fish Caiman Camel Capybara Caracal Cassowary Cat Caterpillar Catfish Cattle Centipede Chameleon Chamois Cheetah Chicken Chimpanzee Chinchilla Cicada Cichlid Civet Clouded Leopard Clown Fish Coati Collared Peccary Common Buzzard Cougar Cow Coyote Crab Crane Critically Endangered Crustacean Cuscus Damselfly Deer Dhole Discus Dodo Dog Dolphin Donkey Dormouse Dragon Dragonfly Duck Dugongs Eagle Eastern Rosella Echidna Eel Elephant Emu Extinct Falcon Fennec fox Ferret Fish Flamingo Flatfish Flounder Fly Fossa Fox Frog Gar Gazelle Gecko Gerbil Gerridae Gharial Gibbon Giraffe Goat Goose Gopher Gorilla Grasshopper Green Anaconda Guinea Fowl Guinea Pig Gull Guppy Hamster Hare Harp seal Hawk Hedgehog Heron Hippopotamus Horse Hummingbird Hyena Ibis Iguana Impala Insect Invertebrate Jackal Jaguar Jellyfish Jerboa Kangaroo Kestrel Kingfisher Kiwi Koala Komodo Kowari Kudu Ladybird Ladybug Larvae Lemming Lemur Leopard Liger Lion Lizard Llama Lobster Loris Lynx Macaque Magpie Mammoth Manta Ray Markhor Marsupial Mayfly Meerkat Mermaid Millipede Mollusca Mongoose Monkey Moorhen Moose Mosquito Moth Mule Near Threatened Newt Nightingale Nudibranch Numbat Octopus Okapi Omnivore Orangutan Oriole Ornamental Birds Ornamental Fish Ostrich Otter Oyster Pademelon Panda Panthera Parrot Peacock Pelican Penguins Phanter Pig Pika Pike Platypus Polar Bears Porcupine Possum Prawn Primate Puffer Fish Puffin Puma Quoll Rabbit Raccoon Rare Rat Reindeer Reptile Rhino Robin Rodent Salamander Salmon Scorpion Scorpion Fish Sea lion Sea ​​horse Seals Serval Shark Skunk Snake Squid Squirrel Starling Bird Stoat Stork Swan Tapir Tarantula Threatened Tiger Tortoise Toucan Turtle Vulnerable Vulture Walrus Warthog Weasel Wildebeest Wolf Wolverine Wombat Woodlouse Woodpecker Zebra crocodile east Concern moles ntelope owl spider whale

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