The Life of Animals | American Wirehair | The American Wirehair is a spontaneous mutation of the first American Shorthair It Occurred as a random mutation Among a litter of six born to a pair of barn cats. The owner of the cats Called a local breeder of Rex cats, Mrs. The wirehaired male was named Council Rock Farm Adam of Hi-Fi, and the female Tip-Toe of Hi-Fi.
The unique wirehair coat is genetically dominant over a normal coat, the first-born kitten is normally larger and has a thick striped or ringed tail, and is also said to have a strong, healthy heart. Wirehairs shed little, if at all. The second Wirehair is normally less wild and Appears more like a half-wirehair. The Wirehair loves kittens and Will Spend a lot of time with newborn kittens.