The Life of Animals | Sumatran tiger | This one animal is an animal that has been defined as the animal world that step, because these animals can only be encountered in Indonesia. because the population is not much, then the animal is protected, the following report
Sumatran tiger is the only one of the remaining subspecies of tiger in Indonesia. Its existence until now increasingly worried. Loss of habitat and prey (Bovidae and Cervidae) causes the animals that live on the island of Sumatra is increasingly endangered. Currently estimated to range from 400-500 tail remaining in the wild (Seidenstiker, 1999).
The length of a male Sumatran tiger could reach 2.2 to 2.8 meters, while females from 2.15 to 2.3 meters. Height is measured from foot to neck the average was 75 cm, but there is also a reach between 80-95 cm, and weighs 130-255 kg. This animal had feathers along the 8 - 11 mm, the mane on a male Sumatran tiger sized 11-13 cm. Feathers on the chin, cheeks, and back of the head shorter. Tail length of about 65-95 cm (Directorate of Nature Conservation, 1986; Hafild and Aniger, 1984; Kahar, 1997; Macdonald, 1986; Mountfort, 1973; Saleh and Kambey, 2003; Sutedja and Taufik, 1993; Suwelo and Somantri, 1978; Treep, 1973)

Sumatran tiger stripes are thinner than other tiger subspecies. This subspecies also had more beard and mane than other subspecies, especially the male tiger Its small size makes it easier to move through the jungle. There is a membrane in between the fingers that make them able to swim fast. The tiger is known to drive hoofed prey into the water, especially if the prey animal is a slow swimmer. Fur changed color to dark green when giving birth.

Bengal tiger, or the Bengal Tiger Kings (Panthera tigris tigris), is a kind of tiger subspecies are found mainly in India and Bangladesh, as well as in Nepal, Bhutan, Myanmar and southern Tibet. Bengal tiger is a subspecies of tigers are most widely bilangannya. According to WWF, there are approximately 2.000 Kings Bengal tigers are still wild, including 1.411 in India, 450 in Bangladesh, 150 in Nepal, 100 in Bhutan, and small sebilangan in Myanmar and China. Bengal subspecies P. tigris tigris is the national haiwan Bangladesh, when the rank of species, the tiger Panthera tigris is the national animal of India.