Eastern Wolf

The Life of Animals | Eastern Wolf | The Eastern Wolf (Canis lycaon), also known as Eastern Canadian Wolf or Eastern Canadian Red Wolf, may be a subspecies of gray wolf (Canis lupus lycaon) or a distinct species of canid native to the eastern part of North America since the Pleistocene era It seems to be closely related to the Red Wolf. Many names were proposed, including the Eastern Wolf, Eastern Gray Wolf, Eastern Timber Wolf and Algonquin Wolf, although Eastern Wolf has appeared to gain the most recognition.

Eastern Wolf was recently recognized as a potentially distinct species, but closely related to red wolf Some authors disagree and the status as a distinct species is not official. The Eastern Wolf is smaller than the Grey Wolf and has a grey-reddish coat with black hairs covering the back and sides of the thorax. The mtDNA analysis confirms that eastern wolf belonged to an ancient form of primitive wolf (with red wolf) originating some 750,000 years ago in the eastern part of North America (Nowak 1979, 1992). On March 31, 2010, a presentation by Ontario Ministry of Natural Resources research scientist Brent Patterson outlined key findings about the Eastern Wolf (and coyotes): Most coyotes in Eastern Ontario are wolf-coyote hybrids; wolves in Algonquin Park are, in general, not inter-breeding with coyotes; and the buffer zone around Algonquin Park is a great success with mortality rates down and populations remaining stable.


Proponents of distinct species designation believe that the Eastern Canadian Wolf is just the remnant northern range of a once continuous range of a native canid - the Eastern wolf (E.C. w & Red Wolf). Unlike the Gray Wolf, the Eastern Wolf in Algonquin Park has never been recorded with an all-black or all-white coat (wolf research in Al. P. cited 2008). Eastern wolf mainly exist in Algonquin Park in Canada-USA border. The Eastern Wolf is smaller than the Gray Wolf. The Eastern Wolf is also skinnier than the Gray Wolf and has a more coyote-like appearance. This is because wolves and coyotes often mate and breed wolf/coyote hybrid pups in the park. 

The Canadian Parks and Wilderness Society states: "Hybridization with coyotes has historically been a precursor to the decline of Eastern wolf populations. Grey wolves will attack, kill or drive out coyotes if they find them, but recent studies by John and Mary Theberge suggest that Algonquin wolf males mate and accept coyote females. John Theberge states that, because coyotes are smaller than wolves, that female wolves would be less likely to accept a smaller mate.

However, on March 31, 2010, a presentation by Ontario Ministry of Natural Resources research scientist Brent Patterson outlined key findings about the Eastern Wolf (and coyotes): Mostcoyotes in Eastern Ontario are wolf-coyote hybrids; wolves in Algonquin Park are, in general, not inter-breeding with coyotes; and the buffer zone around Algonquin Park is a great success with mortality rates down and populations remaining stable In Canada, exact numbers of Eastern Canadian Wolves are unknown. In Algonquin wolves often travel outside the park boundaries, and enter farm country where some are killed. The Eastern Wolf preys on white-tailed deer, moose, lagomorphs, and rodents including beaver, muskrat, and mice.

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