Leopard Gecko


The Life of Animals | Leopard Gecko | The native habitat of the leopard gecko is rocky, dry grassland and desert regions of South Asia from Afghanistan, Pakistan, northwest India and parts of Iran. Winter temperatures in these areas can be very low, below 10 ° C (50 ° F), making the animals in semi-underground hibernation, called hibernation, fat reserve. As nocturnal animals, they spend all day hidden under rocks or in burrows to escape heat of the day and emerge at dusk to feed themselves by hunting insects. In captivity, most people prefer to hunt food for themselves. Most leopard geckos in captivity will also refuse to dead prey to eat 

If food is scarce in the desert, they can count on their ability to store excess fat in their tails. Moreover, their keen sense of smell and sight of them for food in the wild to find, they will hunt his prey like a real leopard, move their tails, lettuce than when they are satisfied with leopard geckos are usually large for a gecko. Those in captivity tend to have the skin colors and patterns. The skin of a leopard gecko is very durable, which provides protection from sand and rough, rocky terrain of their dry environment. Like all reptiles, leopard geckos shed their skin. The gecko eats its old skin after peeling, revealing a lighter color. There are two theories about why leopard geckos do. The first is that in the wild leopard geckos eat their shedded skin, so there is no record of the leopard gecko was there.

Leopard geckos are ectothermic. Leopard Geckos openings on each side of their head and ears. A covers and protects the eardrum. Health leopard geckos have a thick, fleshy tail, while a thin tail is an indication that the gecko is not healthy and can do without food. Although, as in captivity, the tail can be fattened by feeding wax worms (larvae of the moth), these lines are generally too thick for the Gecko for the nutrition they need. Sexual dimorphism is defined as a phenotypic difference between men and women of the same species. There are males and adult females, but can be difficult to determine in young geckos. The underside of a gecko really determines the sex of the gecko. Males have pre-anal pores and bumps while females hemipenal pores less and have no external bulges.

Males can determine the sex of leopard geckos other by pheromones smell on the skin. The men are men with aggressive behavior as they demonstrate courtship behavior toward women. If Men behave the same way towards women, while shedding their skin. Before and after the shedding of the skin, men continue courtship behavior towards women to express. Research shows that more women can be produced at low temperatures (above about 26-30 ° C (79-86 ° F)) and very warm temperatures (about 34-35 ° C (93-95 ° F)). Women born in the higher temperatures differ from those born in temperatures under hormonal and behavioral.

Leopard gecko breeding pairs as a single or a group consisting of one male and several females. During playback, the male will shake his tail, which tells the female is ready to mate. It's The male continues biting the top of his head. Even if a "drop" or "detached" tail will grow back, the form must be regenerated slightly deformed and will probably look very different than the original. Regenerated tails are often smooth and short, with a bulb-like appearance. Drop tail is strongly discouraged. Leopard Geckos usually breed from January to August or September. Once the female is pregnant she will need lots of calcium for health and to ensure that the eggs well calcify.

Baby leopard geckos have an "egg tooth", a limestone peak at the end of his nose to help break their eggshell. Moreover, their skin will be paid within 24 hours after hatching, will usually.The leopard gecko babies unable to eat after the first effusion. Leopard Gecko is one of the most popular animals reptiles. Many morphs - changes in color or pattern, and sometimes differ in size - were high. Some of the morphs are three different strains of albino patternless, jungle hypomelanistic Blizard, mandarin, giants, and snow. Morphs albino patternless, hypomelanistic, and consist mainly of Blizard decrease or loss of dark spots. Giant is a great morph, the giants are considerably larger than normal leopard geckos. Snow morphs generally have a normal dark spots, but little or no yellow pigment.
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