Indian Elephant

The Life of Animals | Indian Elephant | In general, Asian elephants are Smaller than African elephants body and have the highest point on the head. Females are usually Smaller than males, and have short or no tusks The largest Indian elephant was 3:43 meters (11.3 ft) high at the shoulder In 1985, two large elephant bulls were the resource persons spotted for the first time in Bardia National Park, and named Raja Gaj and Kanchha.

Smaller Indian elephants have ears, but Relatively broader skulls and larger trunks than African elephants. Toes are large and broad. Unlike African Their cousins, Their abdomen is proportionate with Their body weight but the African elephant has a large abdomen as compared to the skulls. The movement and habitat utilization patterns of an elephant population studied were the resource persons in southern India During 1981-83 within a 1.130 km2 (440 sq mi) study area.

Seasonal habitat preferences were the resource persons related to the availability of water and the palatability of food plants. During the dry months of January to April, the elephants congregated at high densities of up to five individuals per km2 in river valleys where browse plants had a much higher protein content than the coarse tall grasses on hill slopes. During the second wet season from September to December, the tall grasses Became fibrous, They moved into the lower elevation forests of open short grass.

During three years of the survey, Their annual home ranges overlapped to a large extent with only minor shifts in the home ranges the between years. Elephants are classified as mega herbivores and consume up to 150 kg (330 lb) of plant matter per day. In a study area of 1.130 km2 (440 sq mi) in southern India, elephants were the resource persons recorded to feed on 112 different plant species, most commonly of the order Malvales, and the legume, palm, true grass and sedge families. They graze on the tall grasses, but the portion is consumed varies with season. Later grasses are higher than 0.5 m (1.6 ft), They uproot entire clumps, dust Them skilfully and consume the fresh leave tops, but discard the roots.

During the dry season from January to April, browse constitutes a major food resource Nepal's Bardia National Park, elephants consume large amounts of the floodplain grass, particularly During the monsoon season. During a study in a tropical moist mixed deciduous forested area of 160 km2 (62 sq mi) in Assam, elephants were the resource persons observed to feed on about 20 species of grasses, plants and trees.  oss of significant extents of elephant range and Suitable habitat Continues Their free movement is impeded by reservoirs, hydroelectric projects and associated canals, irrigation dams, numerous pockets of cultivation and Plantations, Highways, railway lines, mining and industrial development.

Elephant conservation in northern West Bengal has been set back due to high-levels of human-elephant conflict and elephant mortality owing to railway accidents. That Elephants pass through from one forest patch to another dash against the trains and die. In Bangladesh, forested areas That served as prime elephant habitats have undergone drastic reduction, the which had a severe impact on the wild elephant population. illegal timber extraction plays a significant role in deforestation and habitat degradation. In Myanmar, the demand for elephant ivory for making tourist items is higher than ever before. The military government shows little interest in reducing the ivory trade, while the elephants in the country have the silent Become Victims. Foreign tourists are Responsible for the massive rise in price of ivory tusks the which fuels the illegal killing of elephants.

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