Common Treeshrew

The Life of Animals | Common Treeshrew | The common treeshrew is one of the largest among treeshrews. Average body length is between 16-21 cm (6.3-8.3 in), and average weight is around 190g, with varying colors of reddish brown, greyish or black upper parts and whitish belly. Both sexes are similar. The measurements of the Tupaia glis According to 21 specimens are head-to-body length: 170mm to 235mm, tail length: 170mm to 242mm and Hind foot: 45mm to 56mm.The common treeshrew Usually has a Pale stripe on each shoulder. There are two subspecies T.g. longipes and T.g. salatana, with T.g. longipes being duller in coloration than T.g. salatana. The underparts and underside of the tail are dark reddish in salatana. Similar species are Tupaia splendidula and Tupaia montana. Common treeshrews occur south of about 10 ° N latitude in southern Thailand through Malaysia although less severely and Adjacent coastal island to Singapore. In Indonesia, for hire are found on the island of Siberut, Batu, Sumatra, Java, Bangka, Java, Linga and hire Usually Anambas, thus are found in primary dipterocarp forest, but are tolerant to some degree of habitat Modification. They have also been Recorded from secondary forest, Plantations, Orchards and fruit trees near housing areas.

Common treeshrews inhabit protected areas, including Pasoh Forest Reserve on the Malay Peninsula and Krau Wildlife Reserve Both sexes are of common sexually treeshrews mature at the age of about 3 months. In captiity, females give birth for the first time at the age of about 4.5 months, usually in February. A postpartum oestrus results in more births in April. Females suckle young THEIR every other day, and neglect as long as young THEIR Possible. Juveniles leave the nest between 25 to 35 days of age. From October to December, common treeshrews are reproductively inactive. The mating season starts at the onset of the monsoon season in December and lasts until February. Oestrus oestrus and pre-adult behavior is characterized by adult males pursuing females. Males emit chattering, and appear to be extremely excited. Females do not actively choose a partner among male participants of the chases. The main period of mortality or emigration of young Sulawesi is the breeding period or monsoon.

Adult males are more secretory than females and juveniles. In the Bukit Timah Nature Reserve, mean home ranges of adult males were Estimated at 10.174 m2 (109.510 sq ft), of adult females at 8.809 m2 (94.820 sq ft), of juvenile males at 7.527 m2 (81.020 sq ft), and of juvenile females at 7.255 m2 (78.090 sq ft), with partial overlaps between male and female ranges varying from 0.4% to 56.8%. Home ranges of adult Residents of the same sex overlap to a lesser degree than Those of opposite sexes. Long heavy tail dark grayish brown and nearly reaching to the body. Bare feet with sharp nails, and there is a bare patch of skin on the nose length. Measure in accordance with 21 specimens of Tupaia glis is head-to-body length: 170mm to 235mm, tail length: 170mm to 242mm and the rear leg: 45mm for normal kencong 56mm.The usually have pale band on each. Of a dull buff underparts longipes to reddish buff, and under tail greyish. The underparts and under tail dark reddish salatana. The same species are Tupaia splendidula and Tupaia montana.

Subspecies T.g. longipes occurred in northern Borneo, in Sarawak, and in East Kalimantan, including Sabah. Subspecies T.g. salatana occur in the Rajang River and south of the Kayan River in Borneo. Normal snout inhabit protected areas, including the Pasoh Forest Reserve in the Malay Peninsula and Wildlife Reserve Both sexes normal snout at the age of sexual maturity about 3 months. Normal kencong captive longevity was recorded as 12 years and 5 months.The mating season begins in early wet season in December and lasts until February. Behavioral oestrus and ovulation is characterized by pre-adult male chasing adult women. Inactive women choose partners among the boys chase. Gain access to the dominant male femaleIn the tropical rainforest in West Malaysia, the density of normal snout differs from about 2-5 animals per hectare. Some females breed more than once a season, and age at first pregnancy was seven months. The main period of migration or death of the young in the breeding period or during the monsoon season.

Normal snout active during the day, and food for the food alone or in pairs, especially on the ground, between shrubs and tree hollows. They eat fruits, seeds, leaves and insects, especially ants and spiders. Adult male more than female-producing and juveniles. A range of overlap between an adult male and one female adult high indicates that they form a stable pair. Range adjacent to the Juvenile whether sex or overlap with the range of adults, suggesting that juvenile family members. Juvenile male departure from the territory of their families ahead of the juvenile female's range may include the ranges of two or three females. A high overlap between ranges of one adult male and one adult female hire Indicates That form a stable pair. Juvenile sex ranges of either adjoin or overlap with ranges of adults, suggesting That the juveniles are family members. Individuals of the same sex are Involved in aggressive territorial chases.Juvenile males depart from THEIR family's territory sooner than juvenile females

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