North American red foxes are generally lightweight, with relatively long bodies for their mass and have a high degree of sexual dimorphism. British Red foxes are strongly built, but short-lived, while continental Europe red foxes are closer to the average among populations of red foxes. The biggest red fox on record in Britain was a 17.2 kg (38.1 lb), 1.4 m long, the men killed in Aberdeenshire, Scotland in early 2012 The winter fur is dense, soft, silky and relatively long.
Foxes in northern fur is very long, dense and soft, but is shorter, coarser and rarer forms in the south. Among the foxes in the North,
North American varieties generally have more silky hair care, while most of Eurasia red foxes have coarser fur. There are three forms of color, red,
silver / black cross (see Changes). A
band of weak, diffuse models many reddish-brown-brown hair occurs along the spine. The remaining surface lower body is black, brown or reddish. During lactation, the belly fur of foxes may be red brick. The upper parts are rusty-reddish members, while the legs are black. The front of the face and upper neck is clear brownish-red rust, while the upper lips are white. The top of the tail is reddish brown, but lighter in color than the back and flanks.
The tail tip is white The
red fox is to establish stable home ranges within specific areas or are itinerant, homeless They use their urine to mark territory.
Red foxes live in family groups that share a common territory. In favorable habitats and / or areas with low hunting pressure, foxes subordinates may be present in a range. Fox ratings may number 1-2, sometimes up to 8 on a territory. Non-breeding vixens keep, play, groom, delivery and recovery kits, an example of kin selection. Red foxes may leave their families once they reach adulthood if the odds of winning a territory of their own are high.
Red foxes reproduce once a year in spring. Two months before estrus (usually in December), reproductive organs vixens change shape and size. The gestation period lasts 49-58 days, although foxes are largely monogamous [citation needed], DNA evidence of population reported high levels of polygyny, incest and paternity litters mixed. Subordinate vixens may become pregnant, but usually fail to pug, or who killed their kits postpartum or by the dominant female or other subordinates. The average litter size is composed of four to six kits, but litters of up to 13 kits took place. Large spans are typical in areas where mortality is high fox. Kits are born blind, deaf and toothless, with the fluffy fur dark brown. At birth, they weigh 56 to 110 g and measures 14.5 cm in body length and 7.5 cm long tail.

Coat color begins to change to 3 weeks of age, when the line appears black eye. Meanwhile, their erect ears and noses elongated. The lactation period lasts 6-7 weeks.Their woolly layers begin to be coated by shiny guard hairs after 8 weeks of age 3-4 months, the kits are long legs, chest narrow and winding. They reach adult proportions at age 6-7 months. ed
fox body language consists of movements of the ears, tail and postures, with their marks on the body, concentrating on certain things. Curious
fox will turn and shake the ears while sniffing. Individuals play their ears will perk up and on their hind legs. Foxes males court females, or after successfully expelling intruders, will turn their ears to the outside, and raise their tails in a horizontal position, with the guidance raised upward. When frightened, red foxes smile in the bid, arching their backs, their bodies bending, squatting legs and lashing their tails back and forth with their ears pointing backwards and pressed against their skulls. Submitted foxes will approach the dominant
animals in a low posture, so that their noses in greeting achieve. When you launch an attack authoritarian, red fox approached directly rather than on the side, with their tails in the air and ears turned sideways. During the fighting, the
Red Foxes will take on each other's bodies with their upper forelegs, using threats to open mouth.
Red foxes are omnivores with a very varied diet.
Red foxes readily eat plant material and parts, fruit can reach 100% of their diet in the fall. Red foxes prefer to hunt in the early morning hours before sunrise and late at night. Red foxes can sometimes commit acts of surplus killing, during a breeding season,
four foxes were reported to have killed around 200 seagulls each, with peaks during the dark hours when the wind conditions flight were unfavorable.
Red foxes seem to dislike the taste of moles, but still catch them alive and present them to their children as toys.
Red foxes are the most important vector against rabies in Europe. Foxes can be infected with leptospirosis and tularemia, if they are not too sensitive to it. Individual cases of foxes infected with Bacillus pestis are known. Red foxes are not too infested with fleas. Species such as cuniculi Spilopsyllus are probably only took prey species of fox, while others such as e Archaeopsylla. Chips that actively feed on red foxes are Pulex irritans, Ctenocephalides canis and Paraceras melis. Ticks such as Ixodes ricinus and I. hexagonus are not uncommon in foxes, and are usually found on foxes and nursing kits still in their land. The louse Trichodectes vulpis specifically target foxes but rarely found. The mite Sarcoptes scabiei is the leading cause of scabies in red foxes. Up to 60 species of helminths are known to infect foxes in fur farms, while 20 are known in the wild. The most common tapeworm in foxes are Taenia and T. spiralis pisiformis. Eleven species of trematodes infect red foxe