Red Panda

The Life of Animals | Red Panda | The length of the head and body of medium red pandas from 56 to 63 cm (22 to 25), and their tails about 37-47 cm (15-19). Males weigh 3.7 to 6.2 kg (8.2 to 14 lbs) and females 4.2 to 6.0 kg (9.3 to 13 lb). They have a long and soft reddish brown fur on the upper parts, blackish fur on lower parts, and a light face with tear marks and robust cranial-dental features. The legs are black and short thick fur on the soles of the feet. This fur is used as thermal insulation on snow-covered or ice surfaces and hides scent glands that are also present on the anus The Red Panda is specialized as a bamboo feeder with strong, curved and sharp semi-retractile claws standing inward to grasp tree branches narrow leaves and fruit. When descending a tree headfirst, the red panda ankle rotates to control his descent, one of the few species of climbing to do.

The Red Panda is endemic in temperate forests of the Himalayas and the beaches of western Nepal foothills of China to the east. Its eastern boundary is the Qinling Mountains of Shaanxi Province in China. Its range includes southern Tibet, Sikkim and Assam in India, Bhutan, the mountains of northern Burma, and south-west China, in the Hengduan Mountains in Sichuan and the mountains of Gongshan in Yunnan. The range of the red panda must be considered individually rather than continuous. An isolated population in Meghalaya Plateau north India. In a survey in the 1970s, signs of red pandas were found in Nepal's reservation Dhorpatan hunting. Their presence was confirmed in spring 2007, when four red pandas have been sighted at altitudes ranging from 3220 to 3610 m (10,560 à 11,840 ft). The red panda lives between 2200 and 4800 meters (7200 and 15,700 m) above sea level, living in areas of moderate temperature between 10 and 25 ° C / 50 ° F and 77, with little annual variation. It prefers mountainous mixed deciduous and coniferous forests, especially with old trees and dense understory of bamboo.

The effective population size of the population of Sichuan is larger and more stable than the population of Yunnan, which implies a southward expansion from Sichuan to Yunnan. In August 2010, archaeologists discovered fossil red panda remains in Washington County in the U.S. state of Tennessee. The red panda became extinct Chinese provinces of Guizhou, Gansu, Shaanxi and Qinghai. Red pandas are able to breed at about 18 months of age, and are fully mature at 2-3 years. Adults rarely interact in the wild, except for mating. Both sexes may mate with more than one partner during the mating season from mid-January to early days March.A shortly before birth, females begin to gather material, such as brush, grass and leaves, to build a nest, which is normally located in a hollow tree or a rock crevice. After birth, the mother cleans small and can then be identified by their smell.

Red pandas are territorial. Adults are solitary except during mating season. Shortly after waking, red pandas clean their fur like a cat, licking their paws and then rubbing their back, stomach and sides. They also rub his back and belly along the sides of trees or rocks. Red pandas can be alternatively use their paws to bring food to their mouths or place food directly in the mouth Predators include the red panda, snow leopard, the marten (weasel), and humans.

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