

The Life of Animals | Brumby | The term refers to a wild horse Brumby, Australia. Its first recorded use in print in the journal Australasian Melbourne in 1880, said the Brumbies, Bush's name in Queensland by "wild" horses. In 1800 only about 200 horses are thought to have reached Australia. Horse racing became popular in 1810, leading to an influx of Pure imports, mainly from England. About 3,500 horses were living in Australia in 1820, and this number grew to 160,000 in 1850, mainly due to natural growth. The horses were needed for the trip, and raised cattle and sheep as moving the pastoral industry. The first report of a runaway horse is in 1804, and by 1840, some horses escaped from populated areas of Australia.

Australia currently has at least 400,000 horses roaming the continent. Although wild horse population in general will be more than a plague moderate. Brumbies roaming in the Australian Alps in southeastern Australia, probably descendants of horses that were heard by the farmer and pioneer, Benjamin Boyd are his. The gene makes a radius of skin on parts of a horse, what color a mealy muzzle, lower arms, flanks and belly. It is sometimes seen in brown horse with blond mane and tail. The Department of Environment and Conservation and the Outback Heritage Horse Association of Western Australia (OHHAWA) watching this Brumbies specific to the careful management of these unusual wild horses to ensure

Brumbies were captured, equipped with GPS tracking rings, and extensive comparative study of the effect of terrain on the morphology and health of different horses. Brumbies can then be trained as stock horses and other horses. Brumbies are sometimes sold in the European market for horse meat after their capture and contribute millions of dollars to the Australian economy. About 30% of horses that come to export meat of the wild population. The fur and hair of horses will also be used and sold. The wild horses are in training camp Brumby organizations, the positive interaction between disturbed used to promote high-risk adolescents. These camps usually last several weeks, for people to train a young Brumby wild horse calm, became willing at the same time, improve self-esteem of youth.

Wild horses are also used to capture and process events Brumby competitions challenge Stockman, where the driver commits a freewheeling Brumby has to pick up his horse within a few minutes. The horses were initially described as a pest in Australia in the 1860s. Their impact on soil compaction erosion environment and soil erosion, vegetation trampling reduction in plant size, the increase in deaths in damage trees by chewing the bark, habitat and water holes, mud, proliferation of invasive weeds, and various adverse effects on populations of species. In some cases, where the wild horses are caught, they can be damaged infrastructure, including gutters, pipes and fences.

In some habitats, hooves of horses running free compact soil, and if the soil is compacted, minimizing air spaces, allowing water to collect anywhere. If this happens, the bottom in areas where the horses are widely used a water penetration resistance over 15 times greater than in areas without horses. Trampling also causes soil erosion and damage vegetation, and because the soil can not retain water, microbial contamination disabled. Horse trampling also has the potential to damage waterways and marsh habitats. Horse manure tends to pollute water courses, as well as the accumulation of carcasses, which are based on wild horses, run by the negative environmental impacts of these exotic species in Australia.

Sphagnum moss is an important part of Highland Moors, and is looking for water for the horses trampled. Wild horses can also reduce the abundance of plant species. The exposure of soil and vegetation by trampling removal of willows, recycled nutrients increase from horse manure, is caused in favor of weed species, which then penetrate the region and overcome native species, reducing their diversity, the spread weeds in combination helped by providing seeds of the horses manes and tails, and are also transmitted through the consumption of horse manure on weeds in one place to another, and excrement. The effects on plants and plant habitats are most pronounced during the dry season, when the horses to travel long distances to find food and water.

Wild horses can chew the bark of trees, some trees may be vulnerable to external threats. It seems that the wild horses prefer this type can Although representing a mismanagement of wild horses and a threat to the ecological environment in some parts of Australia may, at its management is complicated by issues of feasibility and public interest. There are currently trying to manage, as wild horses are considered pests in some states, like South Australia, but not others, including Queensland. There is also controversy over the removal of brumbies in national parks. The public interest is an important issue in efforts to control so many advocates for the protection of the Brumbies, including Aboriginal people, the wild horses are to believe the earth. Other interested parties are angry with the identification of horses of horses as a "wild" and are complete for all measures that threaten their survival, however.  This poem was in the films The Man from Snowy River and The Man from Snowy River II Extended (U.S. title: UK title "Return to Snowy River", "The Untamed") and The Man from Snowy River (TV series) and a Snowy River: Arena Spectacular. Another Banjo Paterson poem called Run Brumby, describes a multitude of Running Wild brumbies.
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