Saint Bernard


The Life of Animals | Saint Bernard | The ancestors of the St. Bernard share a history with Sennenhunds, also called Swiss Mountain Dogs or Swiss Cattle, dogs large estates of farmers and livestock guardians, herding dogs and dogs hunting dogs and projects , search dogs and rescue dogs guard. These dogs are considered descendants of the mastiff type dogs brought into the Alps by the Romans, and the St. Bernard is internationally recognized as one of the Hounds. The first written records of the St. Bernard breed are from monks at the hospice Grand Saint-Bernard in 1707, with paintings and drawings of the dog even earlier. The most famous St. Bernard to save people at the pass of Barry (sometimes spelled Berry), who saved somewhere between 40 and 100 lives. The classic St. Bernard looked very different from the St. Bernard of today due to the cross. The Swiss St. Bernard Club was founded in Basel March 15, 1884. The Saint Bernard was the first race in the Stud Book registered in Switzerland in 1884 and the breed standard was finally approved in 1888. Since then, the race was a Swiss dog The Saint Bernard is a large dog. The coat can be smooth or rough, with the smooth coat close and flat.

The Saint Bernard dog is no longer the alpine rescues finally recorded in 1897 was used. Also in 2004, the Hospice du Grand-Saint-Bernard still has 18 dogs for reasons of tradition and sentiment. Animals raised therein are trained to attract a variety of dog sports such as karting and weight involved. Dogs Foundation Barry are smaller than the growth Bernard The St very fast and the weight of a St. Bernard can lead to very serious deterioration of the bones if the dog does not receive proper nutrition and exercise. Many dogs are genetically affected by hip dysplasia or elbow dysplasia. The breed is also prone to epilepsy and seizures, heart disease called cardiomyopathy, and eczema.

Clubs in the United States and the United Kingdom to race put the average life expectancy of a Saint Bernard in 8-10 years. License Denmark 2003 (35 dogs), the average life of 9.5 years, while a British judge in 2004, this dog (53) the average life of seven years. San Bernardo went to England in the mid 19th century exported, where they were bred with mastiffs to create an even bigger dog. Commercial pressure encouraged breeding ever larger dogs until "the dogs was so great that the difficulties, one end of a show ring to another.

A 1895 New York Times mentions a St. Bernard named Major F. measures 8 feet 6 inches (2.59 m) long, which, if the allegations are true, it would be the longest in the history of the dog. Another St. Bernard named Benedictine V Schwarzwald Hof (Pierson, Michigan - USA) also reached 315 pounds (143 kg), which earned him a place in the 1981 edition of the Guinness Book of Records. The main character does not give his St. Bernard any brandy.
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