Geoffrey Tamarin


The Life of Animals | Geoffrey Tamarin | Like other tamarins and marmosets, tamarins Geoffrey is a New World monkey Callitrichidae family classified. Like other callitrichids (tamarins and marmosets), Geoffroy's tamarin a monkey. Tail length is between 314 and 386 mm (12.4 and 15.2 inches). The men had an average weight of 486 grams (17.1 ounces), and females are slightly larger, on average, with an average weight of 507 grams (17.9 ounces). Back skin color is black and yellow dotted with pale legs, feet and chest. Tail reddish brown and a black top all callitrichids Geoffrey tamarin is diurnal and arboreal Adults of both sexes migrate between groups. Groups with a degree of territorial defense. Population density on Barro Colorado Island, Panama monkeys from 3.6 to 5.7 square kilometers, but in other areas of population density can reach 20-30 monkeys per square kilometer. The average range of 2061 meters Geoffroy Titi day. Home range size varies between 9.4 and 32 ha.

Women tend to indicate a desire to mate quickly wrap the tail. Unlike squirrels, which often moves through the canopy up and down tree trunks vertical, tamarind generally avoids media Geoffroy large vertical during the trip. Tamarin Geoffroy as media use large vertical stroke is used most often to increase rather than decrease. Geoffrey Tamarin generally avoided sympatric species of capuchin monkeys SMEs as bald monkey night and Panama. Avoidance is the night cappuccino spatial, temporal and where Geoffroy's tamarin monkey as the only active during the day and night Panama monkey is only active during the night. Geoffrey Tamarin rarely observed near squirrels, but this seems to be the result of interactions with squirrels tamarind avoiding higher. Geoffrey Tamarin general, trying to escape when birds of prey approach is really dangerous bird. However, tamarind ignore a bird of prey, double toothed Kite, which is sometimes the tamarind in an apparent effort to feed small animals disturbed tamarind.

Geoffroy supply tamarind is similar to some species of birds Tyrant Flycatcher Panama, and share similar vocalizations. Flycatcher calls tamarins can use to help find food sources favorable. Flycatchers and tamarind have different business models that minimize competition for similar food sources. Geoffrey Tamarin a varied diet that includes fruits, insects, exudates (gums and SAPS), and the green parts of plants. The diet varies Paul Garber seasonally.A study estimates that the insect diet consisted of 40%, 38% fruit, 14% exudates (almost entirely excelsum cashew tree Anacardium), and 8% other . Another study of Barro Colorado Island, fruits showed 60%, 30% and 10% green areas of plants, including insects large elephant ear trees quantities (Enterolobium) SAP. Unlike the marmosets, tamarins do not have teeth adapted trees speculation, Geoffroy marmoset eats only when the sap is easily accessible. In general, hunting insects for rapid movements on thin and flexible.

In one study, drinking water Geoffroy tamarind flower petals limonesis Ochroma. However, it is also suspected of drinking holes in trees, similar to other species Tamarin. Among births occur after long periods of twins. Reduce visibility boy white pigment, which is associated with screens aggressive species. Men and children wear boyfriend more than women. Older children may also contribute to the care of children, but the children prefer to be taken by their parents and siblings. Geoffrey Tamarin becomes sexually mature at about 2 years, and can live up to 13 years. Geoffrey Tamarin lives in different forest types, including primary and secondary forests and tropical dry forest and wet. Panama, secondary forests favorite with moderate humidity. It occurs in central and eastern Panama, the range extends slightly west of the Panama Canal Zone.  Apparently, the Metropolitan Natural Park, an urban park in the city of Panama. A 1985 study found that the population density is higher in areas where access Tamarin Geoffroy humans is limited human activity in Panama is potentially positive and negative Geoffrey Tamarin population.
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